Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
Many children’s Court use _________ following investigation by probation officers without bringing the case officially to the attention of the court at all
2 / 50
In __________ less formal and non-criminal procedures are involved.
3 / 50
By 1953, the 1948 enclosure type of prisons for punitive purposes was replaced by the _______ system established first in Kaduna
4 / 50
Theory is therefore important because most of what is done in justice is based on criminological theory
5 / 50
The igbo people were associated with prison
6 / 50
Facts about the reasons for delinquency and crime are __________
7 / 50
Prisons are federal or state institutions in which offenders serve sentences in excess of one year.
8 / 50
shock probation entails sending offenders to prison for a ___________ of time and then placing them on probation
9 / 50
State correctional institutions for adult inmates include a wide variety of prisons
10 / 50
The following are different institutions for the custody of inmates except one
11 / 50
__________is seen as something inherent in a person's behaviour
12 / 50
The retribution philosophy dominated the practice of punishment in______
13 / 50
security prison are design to hold the most violent, dangerous and aggressive inmates
14 / 50
The older notion that justice was characterized by endless series of retaliatory exchanges has been modified.
15 / 50
All under sentences shall be required to work, subject to their physica and mental fitness as determined by the medical officer.
16 / 50
Recreational and cultural activities shall not be provided in all institutions for the benefit of the mental and physical health of prisoners.
17 / 50
There two categories of prisons facilities; and correctional
18 / 50
(1999) identified three models of parole systems
19 / 50
One factor that characterized industrial revolution is ___
20 / 50
In Nigeria correctional system includes _________ institutions which comprise the Remand Home and the Approved Schools.
21 / 50
_____ is a medication of group Slavon correctly identifies as “a derivative group technique” _________ interaction
22 / 50
Parole is granted and administered by an executive board of the _____
23 / 50
The general public still thinks of all as being high escape risks.
24 / 50
Ewedo House existed as the kings palace during the pre-colonial era
25 / 50
When did the American Group Psychotherapy Association survey 312 penal and correctional institutions in the United States
26 / 50
The retribution philosophy dominated the practice of punishment up till late _________ century
27 / 50
The system theory also comes into play with emphasis in the feedback process which focuses on as a phenomenon of prison ineffectiveness.
28 / 50
Probation is normally granted by the _________, while parole is granted and administered by an executive board of the institution itself.
29 / 50
In 1862, governor was commissioned to appoint judges and other officers and to build prison
30 / 50
Ewedo-House was a prison associated with people
31 / 50
In the typical the warden carries out centrally determined policies with varying degrees of freedom to run his own institution as he pleases
32 / 50
In ________ Pennsylvania took the radical step of establishing a prison that placed each inmate in a single cell with no work to do.
33 / 50
has been seen as something inherent in a certain kind of behaviour of person
34 / 50
The public generally demands safe and deterrent punishment but without inhuman cruelty.
35 / 50
The purposes of custody, control and discipline of inmates are the following except
36 / 50
_________are a group of matured men held against their will
37 / 50
The medical services of the institution shall seek to detect and shall treat any physical or illnesses or defects which may hampers a prisoner’s rehabilitation.
38 / 50
Handcuffs is an Instruments of
39 / 50
One of these is not a type of classification
40 / 50
A process of treatment, prescribed by the court for persons convicted of offenses against the law, in which the such lives in the community and regulates his own life under conditions imposed by the court and is subject to supervision by a probation officer is _______
41 / 50
______ people had the “Ikoliwari house
42 / 50
The use of actuarial prediction in decisions has been criticized on the ground of disparity between the social milieus on future milieu.
43 / 50
Disadvantages of parole are ________
44 / 50
Long hour as a factor characterized
45 / 50
The prison is a place for of criminals
46 / 50
Juvenile probation in a children’s is similar except that less formal and non-criminal procedures are involved
47 / 50
Durkheim considered crime to be
48 / 50
One of these is not an advantage of parole
49 / 50
___________ (1973) opines that “our considerations of the sociological perspective have led us to a point where society looks more like a gigantic Akatraz than anything else
50 / 50
Many children’s use informal probation following investigation by probation officers without bringing the case officially to the attention of the court at all
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