
Category: CIT101



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A. When the total number of characters of numeric data is __________ than the column width of a cell hash symbols are displayed

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B. An embedded chart is muved __________

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C. __________ is used to change the appearance and positioning of text in Word

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D. By default, numbers are displayed ______ aligned as you type them into a cell

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E. There are _________ alignment options in MS Word

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F. In Windows, clipboard _________

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G. Automatic spell check ___________

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H. __________ are the instructions that you enter to perform calculations

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I. To create your own workbook in Excel, you will need to enter _________

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J. Until it is _____ a workbook exists only in computer memory

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K. The default alignment for text entries is ________

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L. __________ cells can contain formulas

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M. Some formatting buttons are __________ , that is, the same button is used to turn a formatting feature "on" and "off"

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N. A range of cells is selected by _________ methods

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O. By default __________ are displayed right aligned as you type them into a cell

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P. Some formatting buttons are toggles, that is, the same button is used to turn a formatting feature ______ and "off"

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Q. In Word, the over-type mode __________ existing text one character at a time

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R. ________are the instructions that you enter to perform calculations

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S. There are _____ alignment options in MS Word

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T. A data ____________ charts symbol that represents a single data point

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U. Chart sheets enable you to print a chart that is separate from __________

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V. In spreadsheet, a cell can contain either ______ or text

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W. Formulas are used to perform ______

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X. A data marker ________

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Y. A __________ chart is based on the type of data one is charting

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Z. Legend is used ________

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AA. The default alignment for text entries is _________

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AB. A workbook is made_________

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AC. A workbook is made of __________

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AD. In addition to its _________  capabilities, Excel can create charts

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AE. GUI stands for _______

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AF. In Windows, ____________ provides a temporary storage area

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AG. When you launch Excel, you see a new, blank workbook called _____ 1

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AH. GUI stands for ____________ User Interface

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AI. An Excel file is called a __________

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AJ. PowerPoint is an __________ program used to create presentations

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AK. In respect to alignment ____________ means lines of text are aligned along both the left and right indents

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AL. __________ is the final step in the production of a document

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AM. ___________ spell check informs you of spelling errors as you type

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AN. What do we use to change the appearance and positioning of text in Word? ________

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AO. In addition to its worksheet capabilities, Excel can _________

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AP. In spreadsheet, cell is the intersection of a column and a ________

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AQ. An Excel file is called a __________

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AR. Excel is ________ a word processing package

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AS. A quick way to print your whole worksheet is to click on the print button on the standard ________

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AT. A Chart _________ feature leads one through a step-by-step process to create a chart

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AU. With Print Preview we view printouts on __________

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AV. A spread sheet consists of _______ information written in form

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AW. There are ___________ worksheets are in a default Excel workbook

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AX. The Print Preview command enables you to view your printouts on _______ before you print them

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AY. An _______ chart is muved by dragging

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AZ. Until it is ____________, a workbook exists only in computer memory

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BA. PowerPoint provides ______ working environments

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BB. Spelling __________ is one of the proofing tools in word processing

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BC. What is a chart? ___________

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BD. You can display a presentation on your computer screen by running a slide ____

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BE. You can use Excel’s built-in formats to change the appearance of __________

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BF. Until it is safe, a workbook exists only in computer ___________

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