Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
Which of these farmers club is formed through Extension services?
2 / 50
Agricultural Extension is the primary process through which farmers learn why they must change their _.
3 / 50
Broadcasting in the local languages in agricultural extension programme local values
4 / 50
What determines the extension–farmer ratio?
5 / 50
Broadcasting to an unorganized audience in different languages is called broadcasting.
6 / 50
The knowledge of Extension helps to convince the farmers to accept the innovations being introduced to them.
7 / 50
A crier is an individual selected by the king to disseminate information in the town.
8 / 50
Which of one of the following is not a category of crop technology in Nigeria?
9 / 50
In national policy _, the importance of extension should be emphasized.
10 / 50
Why do you think Extension is regarded as a science?
11 / 50
Why do you think Extension workers give advices on agricultural extension?
12 / 50
What is the key quality that is expected in agricultural extension?
13 / 50
Extension often emphasizes working with people.
14 / 50
One of these is responsible for building the clientele’s ability to identify their problems and priorities.
15 / 50
The has led to situation where many farmers are unreached and unaware of new technologies that would enhance their performance.
16 / 50
In material technology, knowledge is embodied into one of the following.
17 / 50
What type of information does Extension services need to equip farmers with?
18 / 50
In Agricultural Extension, is it necessary that adequate legislation, funding and adequate auxiliary services be provided?
19 / 50
Provision of farm management _services to the farmer promotes efficiency and effectiveness.
20 / 50
Adequate services of technical information for finding solution to the problems of the people should be in place.
21 / 50
The type of determines the type of extension methods and materials to use in extension work.
22 / 50
Agricultural Extension is the process through which farmers learn reasons why they must change their attitude and practice.
23 / 50
Which of these is not a channel of communication in Extension work?
24 / 50
Devaluation of most agricultural extension programmes are still considered as a problem today
25 / 50
Which of these are classified as print materials in extension services?
26 / 50
When programmes are improperly it leads to repetition of past mistakes.
27 / 50
In Nigeria there is a lag of over years between the discoveries of new and old farming practices.
28 / 50
Without on new technologies, the role of extension services would be incomplete.
29 / 50
is a type of audience in Agricultural Extension.
30 / 50
Which of this is a form of storytelling which could be disseminated in agriculture to summit messages to be disseminated?
31 / 50
Give one reason why Radio is important for dissemination of information in rural Nigeria.
32 / 50
One of this is not peculiar to Agricultural Extension.
33 / 50
The government has a role to play in creating conduciveness for extension work in one of the following environment?
34 / 50
One of the following is an important tool in agricultural extension services.
35 / 50
The acronym BOA refers to .
36 / 50
involves dissemination of information to the clientele on new technologies or innovation.
37 / 50
_________ development is also acritical area in Agricultural Extension.
38 / 50
To promote Agricultural development, must reach the farm level in a useable form.
39 / 50
Film strip is an example of a equipment.
40 / 50
A team in Extension work do not consist one of these.
41 / 50
Why do you think Extension work involves taking research findings to farmers?
42 / 50
What is the strategic Agricultural extension informtiom provided for the farmers?
43 / 50
43. Social control means
44 / 50
How many types of basic traditional methods of information dissemination do you know?
45 / 50
audience consists of a set of individuals with common characteristics.
46 / 50
Agricultural Extension is the body of knowledge which accumulates experience and research findings.
47 / 50
Extension is a process that involves changing human behaviour through _________.
48 / 50
Extension services were established in Japan in _.
49 / 50
The marketing boards regulate prices of the _while the extension personnel is involved in providing the technical information that will assist in improving the level of production of the crop
50 / 50
What type of language does Town Crier speak when he is given the respect which is due to the king?
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