Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
is a thought process in a closed and logical system
2 / 50
Treaties and Motives are the set functions of laws
3 / 50
The most salient characteristics of the third world countries is -
4 / 50
The two African countries that escaped colonialism are
5 / 50
International law operates in the shadow of
6 / 50
Another name for third world nations is - - -
7 / 50
The goals which state officials seek to obtain abroad and the instrument to pursue such goals are known as
8 / 50
Development of underdevelopment is the notion of the work of -
9 / 50
presupposes a thought process in a closed system put together in a logical way
10 / 50
The dynamic reaction between the forces of politics and economy is called -
11 / 50
Human Rights Law is an example of
12 / 50
12. EU means
13 / 50
All of these are processes through which the state can be understood except one -
14 / 50
are the most powerful actors in international poitics
15 / 50
The anarchical nature of international relations means
16 / 50
was the greatest advocate of idealist approach
17 / 50
Command economy has this characteristic -
18 / 50
is an example of conscious ideologies
19 / 50
The revolution of poleteriate in China took place in -
20 / 50
The key to recognize essentials of the balance of power is
21 / 50
There is always interplay between domestic policy and policy
22 / 50
The word Ambassador is derived from the Latin word
23 / 50
The animosities between the United States and the Soviet Union after 2nd World War led to
24 / 50
Whatever is the ultimate aim of international politics is the ultimate goal
25 / 50
Behaviour of nations to others are part of their
26 / 50
Jet age diplomacy is a type of diplomacy
27 / 50
__is the main economic agents of imperialism
28 / 50
28. SAP means - - -
29 / 50
The exploiting nation of advanced countries are referred to as -
30 / 50
Transnational Organisations, private banks and other organisations that operate at the international level are described as
31 / 50
Peripherial nations are mostly within -
32 / 50
33 / 50
The moral code of states in the international system is called
34 / 50
is the technique and procedure for conducting relations among states
35 / 50
The first Nigeria Foreign Affairs minister is
36 / 50
All but one of these led to emergence of modernization theory -
37 / 50
38 / 50
Historical subjugation and economic surordination in the world economy is a common similarity of -
39 / 50
International relations theory is basic to the study of
40 / 50
41 / 50
The countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Carribean and the MiddleEast are often described as -
42 / 50
The ability of A to get B to do something it would not otherwise do is
43 / 50
The headquarters of ECOWAS is in
44 / 50
Undeveloped nations are still in their - stage of advancement -
45 / 50
The discipline that explains political activities across states boundaries is
46 / 50
47 / 50
- is a system where means of production are unevenly distributed -
48 / 50
A dependent nation has no control over its -
49 / 50
49. ECOWAS means -
50 / 50
Critical internal factor causing underdevelopment in Africa is -
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