Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
The following are types of definitions in political science inquiry except ------ -
2 / 50
Karl Marx advocated for two broad classes in a society namely and
3 / 50
In which country is the President chosen by the Knesset?
4 / 50
The conception that "… in a war of all against all life is hardly worth living and was 'short brutish nasty and poor is associated with
5 / 50
What basis has political science been said to be a discipline in a state of a flux? ------
6 / 50
The seperation of power which oscillates between the legislative,executive and the judicial is premise of -------
7 / 50
A ----- is a normative specifications of what and how policies ought to be.
8 / 50
The empirical analysis is divided into two namely
9 / 50
Who first used the term "political science"(Science politique)? -------
10 / 50
The grouping of similarities and differences into sets is known as ------
11 / 50
The behaviourists'over enthusiastic pursuit of quantitative and scientific techniques fostered _methodism
12 / 50
What concepts determine the theoretical literature of political representation? ---- --
13 / 50
Which form of government does the executive hold office for a fixed term and can be removed from office through a process of impeachment?
14 / 50
The approach to the study of the rules, procedures and formal organizations of the political system and their impact on political practice is conceived as ---- ---
15 / 50
An inquiry that involves the emphasis of legal and formal refers to ------
16 / 50
The state exists to fulfill "the greatest happiness in the greatest number" was proposed by ------
17 / 50
Who pioneered the structural-functionalist approach?
18 / 50
The implication of the supremacy of the state i
19 / 50
Who developed and popularized the principle of speration of powers?
20 / 50
The grouping of similarities and differences into sets is known as
21 / 50
All the following are the goals of science except
22 / 50
The exogeneous strand of the rational choice Approach explores the effects of
23 / 50
The descriptive-inductive formal-legal historicalcomparative and political value features are linked to the
24 / 50
Plato concieved elders as and younger men as
25 / 50
Through which political analytical method can the essence of freedom or democracy be valued? ------
26 / 50
The critiqued about oversimplification of assumptions is reference to
27 / 50
A science of politics has been critiqued as difficult because of the imposition of human ------
28 / 50
All the following are the goals of science except ----- -
29 / 50
An explicit set of values that orients people in society in terms of what they can expect from government and what government should do for them and society refers to
30 / 50
What essential feature is paramount in the analysis of constitutional and formal organizations?
31 / 50
A is a concept for understanding the framing and structing of knowledge production in the natural sciences
32 / 50
The major work of political philosophy known as a 'Theory of Justice' is associated with
33 / 50
The query for the rigorous scientific approach to the study of political phenomena is associated to
34 / 50
The sovereignity of a state presupposes ------
35 / 50
Which concept encapsulates the nature of political and administrative behaviour in Africa?
36 / 50
The major work of political philosophy known as a 'Theory of Justice' is associated with ------
37 / 50
Which approach in political science is rooted in the discovery and application of moral notions in the sphere of political relations and practice? ------
38 / 50
The process by which the scientist forms a theory to explain the observed facts is known as
39 / 50
The movement that is against dominance for quantitative and mathematical methodology in political science is ------
40 / 50
Mention the two broad categories of political participants according to Karl Deutsch's typology
41 / 50
Which approach investigates power and control as well as analyses elite and non-elite _differentiation?
42 / 50
The following are examples of variables except ----
43 / 50
Which approach maintains that the political sysytem is hierarchically structured?
44 / 50
The movement that is against dominance for quantitative and mathematical methodology in political science is
45 / 50
What gives direction to inquiry in political anlysis? - -----
46 / 50
What is the transmission of the political culture of a group or the society to successive members of same called?
47 / 50
The process by which the scientist forms a theory to explain observed facts” is known as ------
48 / 50
The focus on facts is the hallmark of the ------- approach.
49 / 50
Political Culture Orientation entail: cognitive orientationAffective Orientation and
50 / 50
Thomas Hobbes supported monarchical sovereignty because of his claim that it keeps society ------
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