Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
1. This principle of justice in
political obligation is
associated with the general
administration of
2 / 50
2. The American Declaration
of Independence (1776)
and the French Declaration
of Human Rights (1789)
find expression in the idea
_individual rights.
3 / 50
3. Nigeria was amalgamated
in 1914 by sir
4 / 50
4. The hypothetical situation
where the institutions of the
state do not exist is known
as a
5 / 50
5. Who argued that the State
is at “the centre of
continuous struggle with
other organizations, over
the right and ability to make
binding rules in society”: ----
6 / 50
6. Civil Society means a form
7 / 50
7. This refers to the socially
constructed roles,
responsibilities, norms, and
stereotypes accorded to
women and men in relation
to the question of
citizenship: --------
8 / 50
8. The ultimate factor in moral
decisions and actions is not
necessarily the ‘good’ act,
but rather in the ------
9 / 50
9. In the impersonal state, the
status of a citizen was that
of a
10 / 50
10. Moral reasoning is the
premise of ------
11 / 50
11. The phrase Prima facie was
used first in the
classification of ------
12 / 50
12. A citizens quality of being
true or faithful in the
support of his/her country is
referred to as
13 / 50
13. The declaration of the
Rights of Man and the
citizen was occasioned by
the French Revolution in
the year
14 / 50
14. The ----- theory of the state
is adjudged as old
15 / 50
15. The duties of fidelity, of
reparation, of gratitude, of
justice, and of selfimprovement are examples
of -----
16 / 50
16. From a moral angle ----- are
more fundamental than the
existing laws of society.
17 / 50
17. The principle of natural
duties and the principle of
are two distinctive
principles of justice
according to Rawls.
18 / 50
18. The rights to minimum of
vital necessities such as
food, shelter and aid refer
to ------
19 / 50
19. Regionalization in Nigeria
was instituted in the bid to
operationalize the
20 / 50
20. The implication of states
being members of African
Union (AU), United Nations
(UN) is that the state will be
------ of the international
21 / 50
21. The type of political protest
in which the dissenter uses
his/her own body as a lever
to pry loose the policy of
government is a civil
disobedient act referred to
22 / 50
22. The classical 1969 essay
tilted “Two concepts of
liberty” owes its credit to ----
23 / 50
23. The ----- theory conceived
the State as an extension of
the family.
24 / 50
24. The Hegelian Organic and
Theories agree on ------
25 / 50
25. One important
characteristic of the state is
that it takes place in the
context of the ----- to which
all are subordinate.
26 / 50
26. The ----- is greater than an
individual or any of it
constituent units.
27 / 50
27. The Nigerian Civil Service
was regionalised in the
28 / 50
28. The
_theory is against the redistribution of wealth
through the State
29 / 50
29. For Locke, unlike Hobbes,
power resides with ----- and
not with the Government.
30 / 50
30. When sovereignty is
supreme, final and
absolute, it is said to be -----
31 / 50
31. The
theory is an agreement
entered into by men&
women who originally had
no governmental
32 / 50
32. The duties of fidelity,
reparation, gratitude, justice
are some of examples of
prima facie duties based on
33 / 50
33. Negative and Positive rights
are two natures of
34 / 50
34. The decision forcing Nigeria
to cede Bakassi Peninsula
to Cameroon was in line
with the ----- ruling.
35 / 50
35. A government of laws is by
definition a
36 / 50
36. The ---- theory proposed
that the 'state is the result
of the subjugation of the
weaker by the stronger'
37 / 50
37. According to W.K.
Frankena(1966) an
individual’s principle of
action is a moral one if it
satisfies two of the following
criteria ------
38 / 50
38. According to Hegel, the
state is a rational order
which exists, essentially, to
achieve ----
39 / 50
39. When a citizen goes on
hunger strike in protest
against some government
practice or policy, the action
is said to be
40 / 50
40. What can be regarded as
the most privileged form of
41 / 50
41. The phrase “sense of
autonomy” or “self
determination” means
42 / 50
42. The bane of ------ is that
each individual has certain
inherent rights linked to
human nature.
43 / 50
43. The ----- is larger than the
political system.
44 / 50
44. The essential attributes of a
state as a contracted
organization/institution is its
provision of
45 / 50
45. Legal protection and
access to the courts of law
entitlements are known as
46 / 50
46. In which nature of rights
was personal, civil and
political rights merged into
a single category
47 / 50
47. Which duty require
individual members of a
state to refrain from
performing bad acts?
48 / 50
48. The Two Treaties of
Government can be
credited to -----
49 / 50
49. Negative rights or negative
liberty means ------
50 / 50
50. Prior the emergences of the
nation state, members of
society were governed by
masters who own land
under the
_system of government.
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