
Category: Pol126



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50

1. The type of political protest

in which the dissenter uses

his/her own body as a lever

to pry loose the policy of

government is a civil

disobedient act referred to



2 / 50

2. The ------ is known as a

contracted human


3 / 50

3. For Hegel, while conflicts

and their resolutions may

be inevitable features of

any society, the state exists

to ----

4 / 50

4. Fundamental benefits to the

citizens such as national

defence, good roads, health

programmes are refered to


5 / 50

5. The rights to minimum of

vital necessities such as

food, shelter and aid refer

to ------

6 / 50

6. The duties of fidelity,

reparation, gratitude, justice

are some of examples of

prima facie duties based on


7 / 50

7. The ---- is capable of

regulating and affecting the

actions of man, including

that of the state.

8 / 50

8. Legal protection and

access to the courts of law

entitlements are known as

9 / 50

9. Moral reasoning is the

premise of ------

10 / 50

10. The laws of society is only

legitimate to the extent that

the ------- rights of citizens

are respected.

11 / 50

11. The formal distinction

between indigenes and

non-indigenes who are not

members of the native

community living in the area

of authority is

12 / 50

12. The placing of the individual

at the centre of the society

presupposes ------

13 / 50

13. The hypothetical situation

where the institutions of the

state do not exist is known

as a

14 / 50

14. _is when a citizen not only

loves his/her country but is

willing to defend the


15 / 50

15. The Nigerian Civil Service

was regionalised in the

16 / 50

16. The concept of law is

regarded as a ----- of the

sovereign state directed to

the subjects as a regulator

of conduct.

17 / 50

17. Who argued that the State

is at “the centre of

continuous struggle with

other organizations, over

the right and ability to make

binding rules in society”: ----


18 / 50

18. What limits the power of

government in any given



19 / 50

19. Constitutional or limited

government means -----

20 / 50

20. The bill of

_is the entitlement which no

just government should

refuse its citizens

21 / 50

21. The

theory is an agreement

entered into by men&

women who originally had

no governmental


22 / 50

22. In the impersonal state, the

status of a citizen was that

of a

23 / 50

23. The Patriarchal theory was

derived from one of the

following sources

24 / 50

24. The condition of 'warre' in

the state of nature means


25 / 50

25. and

_are the two perspectives

of liberty by Isaiah Berlin.

26 / 50

26. An absolute State,

according to Hobbes, is

based on ----

27 / 50

27. Positive rights or positive

liberty implies ------

28 / 50

28. According to Hume, among

savage tribes the long

continuance of the state

made people to -----

29 / 50

29. What can be regarded as

the most privileged form of


30 / 50

30. African societies have

argued that the ------ nature

of their society has been

the basis for the denial of

inalienable rights. to

individual citizens.

31 / 50

31. The declaration of the

Rights of Man and the

citizen was occasioned by

the French Revolution in

the year

32 / 50

32. The patriarchal theory

posits that the foundation of

the modern State was

characterized by three

features namely




33 / 50

33. The decision forcing Nigeria

to cede Bakassi Peninsula

to Cameroon was in line

with the ----- ruling.

34 / 50

34. The implication of states

being members of African

Union (AU), United Nations

(UN) is that the state will be

------ of the international


35 / 50

35. From a moral angle ----- are

more fundamental than the

existing laws of society.

36 / 50

36. The most significant

component of British

constitutional bill of rights is

the great charter of

37 / 50

37. The democratic tradition

was inspired by ------

38 / 50

38. National defence, good

roads, health programmes,

law and order are examples

of ------

39 / 50

39. Thoreau, Gandhi, Martin

Luther King and Ralph

Abernathy among others

are theorists of the

_character of civil


40 / 50

40. The ----- theory is premised

on" an agreement entered

into by men and and

women who originally had

no governmental

organization which resulted

into a state.

41 / 50

41. The

_theory is against the re￾distribution of wealth

through the State


42 / 50

42. Regionalization in Nigeria

was instituted in the bid to

operationalize the


43 / 50

43. The Two Treaties of

Government can be

credited to -----

44 / 50

44. The goods which, by their

character, cannot be shared

out among their

beneficiaries can be said to


45 / 50

45. The most significant

component of British

constitutional bill of rights is

the great charter of

46 / 50

46. The duties of fidelity, of

reparation, of gratitude, of

justice, and of self￾improvement are examples

of -----

47 / 50

47. This is one of the attributes

of rights: ------

48 / 50

48. The

_feature is applicable to the

availability of collective

goods to all members in a

group in a state.

49 / 50

49. is the tendency on the part

of states to reserve their

public services exclusively

in the hands of their

indigenes or expendable

foreigners and ‘non￾indigenes.

50 / 50

50. In the Nigerian society

there is ------ because most

people do not comply with

most laws most of the time.

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