Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
1. According to W.K.
Frankena(1966) an
individual’s principle of
action is a moral one if it
satisfies two of the following
criteria ------
2 / 50
2. In the
_theory John Locke argued
that man had liberties and
rights that antedated
political society.
3 / 50
3. The phrase “sense of
autonomy” or “self
determination” means
4 / 50
4. _and are the two defining
features of public goods.
5 / 50
5. The implication of states
being members of African
Union (AU), United Nations
(UN) is that the state will be
------ of the international
6 / 50
6. The social contract theory
of Rousseau was inspired
by -----
7 / 50
7. The placing of the individual
at the centre of the society
presupposes ------
8 / 50
8. The freedom from
interference of others
9 / 50
9. The proponents of natural
justice advocate for political
rights being sacred and
sacrosanct in order to -----
of the state.
10 / 50
10. The duties of fidelity,
reparation, gratitude, justice
are some of examples of
prima facie duties based on
11 / 50
11. The Patriarchal theory was
derived from one of the
following sources
12 / 50
12. Which political system
guarantees fundamental
human rights?
13 / 50
13. The ----- theory is premised
on" an agreement entered
into by men and and
women who originally had
no governmental
organization which resulted
into a state.
14 / 50
14. One of the conditions of
civil society is that the state
15 / 50
15. The ---- is for man and not
man for the ----
16 / 50
16. When a citizen supports
and complies with just
institutions, such action is in
accord with the principle of
17 / 50
17. Prior the emergences of the
nation state, members of
society were governed by
masters who own land
under the
_system of government.
18 / 50
18. According to Hume, among
savage tribes the long
continuance of the state
made people to -----
19 / 50
19. He posited that a State is
founded when ‘a leader,
with his band of warriors,
gets permanent control of a
definite territory of a
considerable size’: ------
20 / 50
20. The concept of law is
regarded as a ----- of the
sovereign state directed to
the subjects as a regulator
of conduct.
21 / 50
21. The transcendence of
subjects to the new status
of a citizen comes with -----
22 / 50
22. The ultimate factor in moral
decisions and actions is not
necessarily the ‘good’ act,
but rather in the ------
23 / 50
23. The laws of society is only
legitimate to the extent that
the ------- rights of citizens
are respected.
24 / 50
24. The
_theory provided a basis for
articulating limited political
25 / 50
25. The decision forcing Nigeria
to cede Bakassi Peninsula
to Cameroon was in line
with the ----- ruling.
26 / 50
26. Thoreau, Gandhi, Martin
Luther King and Ralph
Abernathy among others
are theorists of the
_character of civil
27 / 50
27. Which duty require
individual members of a
state to refrain from
performing bad acts?
28 / 50
28. The principle of fairness
and the principle of natural
duties are notions which
constitute the bane of
29 / 50
29. Sovereignty connotes
30 / 50
30. African societies have
argued that the ------ nature
of their society has been
the basis for the denial of
inalienable rights. to
individual citizens.
31 / 50
31. What is the premise of a
citizen’s obligation to the
32 / 50
32. Who argued that the State
is at “the centre of
continuous struggle with
other organizations, over
the right and ability to make
binding rules in society”: ----
33 / 50
33. The ------ is an essential
organ through which the
state achieves its moral
duty and obligation to
administer and render
service to the citizens of the
34 / 50
34. This is one of the attributes
of rights: ------
35 / 50
35. The January 1966 coup
was led by Major
36 / 50
36. A citizens quality of being
true or faithful in the
support of his/her country is
referred to as
37 / 50
37. _is when a citizen not only
loves his/her country but is
willing to defend the
38 / 50
38. The essential attributes of a
state as a contracted
organization/institution is its
provision of
39 / 50
39. The right to participate in
political decision making
relates to -----
40 / 50
40. The provision of public
goods by a state is justified
by the ------
41 / 50
41. The rights to minimum of
vital necessities such as
food, shelter and aid refer
to ------
42 / 50
42. is the tendency on the part
of states to reserve their
public services exclusively
in the hands of their
indigenes or expendable
foreigners and ‘nonindigenes.
43 / 50
43. Negative and Positive rights
are two natures of
44 / 50
44. In which nature of rights
was personal, civil and
political rights merged into
a single category
45 / 50
45. Moral reasoning is the
premise of ------
46 / 50
46. The process which
encompasses the practice
of quotas, set-asides,
weighing gender as a
priority with the objective of
enhancing equal
opportunity is known as
47 / 50
47. An absolute State,
according to Hobbes, is
based on ----
48 / 50
48. The notion that the state is
a ‘neutral, though coercive,
force’ is a proposition of
49 / 50
49. The condition of 'warre' in
the state of nature means
50 / 50
50. When sovereignty is
supreme, final and
absolute, it is said to be -----
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