
Category: Pol126



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50

1. A citizens quality of being

true or faithful in the

support of his/her country is

referred to as


2 / 50

2. The proponents of natural

justice advocate for political

rights being sacred and

sacrosanct in order to -----

of the state.

3 / 50

3. When a citizen goes on

hunger strike in protest

against some government

practice or policy, the action

is said to be


4 / 50

4. The provision of public

goods by a state is justified

by the ------

5 / 50

5. The right to participate in

political decision making

relates to -----

6 / 50

6. The premise of ------- theory

is that a state is a power,

separated from, in fact

standing above society.

7 / 50

7. The laws of society is only

legitimate to the extent that

the ------- rights of citizens

are respected.

8 / 50

8. The ----- is greater than an

individual or any of it

constituent units.

9 / 50

9. The text 'A Theory of

Justice' is credited to


10 / 50

10. The patriarchal theory was

derived from the records of

the ancient law of the -----

and Hindu.

11 / 50

11. _liberty motivates purposes

which are rationally self￾determined, as opposed to

irrational passions.

12 / 50

12. The phrase “sense of

autonomy” or “self

determination” means

13 / 50

13. The process which

encompasses the practice

of quotas, set-asides,

weighing gender as a

priority with the objective of

enhancing equal

opportunity is known as


14 / 50

14. The provision of economic

and social goods by the

state to the poor citizens

makes the state a

15 / 50

15. Which duty require

individual members of a

state to refrain from

performing bad acts?

16 / 50

16. The bill of

_is the entitlement which no

just government should

refuse its citizens

17 / 50

17. For Hegel, while conflicts

and their resolutions may

be inevitable features of

any society, the state exists

to ----

18 / 50

18. A State is founded by

successful migrations and -


19 / 50

19. Positive rights or positive

liberty implies ------

20 / 50

20. The hypothetical situation

where the institutions of the

state do not exist is known

as a

21 / 50

21. He posited that a State is

founded when ‘a leader,

with his band of warriors,

gets permanent control of a

definite territory of a

considerable size’: ------

22 / 50

22. The idea that an individual

has certain inherent rights

which are connected to

human nature is at the core


23 / 50

23. In which nature of rights

was personal, civil and

political rights merged into

a single category


24 / 50

24. Prima facie moral obligation

means -----

25 / 50

25. The declaration of the

Rights of Man and the

citizen was occasioned by

the French Revolution in

the year

26 / 50

26. According to W.K.

Frankena(1966) an

individual’s principle of

action is a moral one if it

satisfies two of the following

criteria ------

27 / 50

27. John Locke is the first

exponent of the

_individual rights.

28 / 50

28. The principle of natural

duties and the principle of

are two distinctive

principles of justice

according to Rawls.

29 / 50

29. The ----- theory is premised

on" an agreement entered

into by men and and

women who originally had

no governmental

organization which resulted

into a state.

30 / 50

30. When a government has

the legal right of making

decisions which people are

required to obey; and the

right to use coercion to

enforce its laws , it means -


31 / 50

31. The most significant

component of British

constitutional bill of rights is

the great charter of

32 / 50

32. The ----- theory conceived

the State as an extension of

the family.

33 / 50

33. The Nigerian Civil Service

was regionalised in the

34 / 50

34. The principle of

_underlines a citizen’s

obligation to an institution

or state.

35 / 50

35. The ---- is capable of

regulating and affecting the

actions of man, including

that of the state.

36 / 50

36. The formal distinction

between indigenes and

non-indigenes who are not

members of the native

community living in the area

of authority is

37 / 50

37. Thoreau, Gandhi, Martin

Luther King and Ralph

Abernathy among others

are theorists of the

_character of civil


38 / 50

38. National defence, good

roads, health programmes,

law and order are examples

of ------

39 / 50

39. The Hegelian Organic and


Theories agree on ------

40 / 50

40. The democratic tradition

was inspired by ------

41 / 50

41. For Locke, unlike Hobbes,

power resides with ----- and

not with the Government.

42 / 50

42. What limits the power of

government in any given



43 / 50

43. The social contract theory

of Rousseau was inspired

by -----

44 / 50

44. The ------ is known as a

contracted human


45 / 50

45. The goods which, by their

character, cannot be shared

out among their

beneficiaries can be said to


46 / 50

46. What is the premise of a

citizen’s obligation to the


47 / 50

47. According to Hegel, the

state is a rational order

which exists, essentially, to

achieve ----

48 / 50

48. The claim which the

individual can make both on

the state as well as on

other citizens is known as

49 / 50

49. This principle of justice in

political obligation is

associated with the general

administration of


50 / 50

50. Sovereignty is legal when it

is ----- that fall within the

jurisdiction of sovereignty

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