
Category: Pol121



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50

1. Stability, rapid economic

development and unity, are

some of the reasons

advanced by some African

leaders to justify

Party system

2 / 50

2. One of the last generation

of African sit-tight Leaders

is ……………….

3 / 50

3. One of the factors that

affected the spread of

western education in the

Northern part of Nigeria

was the restriction on



4 / 50

4. One of these scholars is not

associated with

Radical/Political Economy

model of analysis

5 / 50

5. In 1979, Nigeria

nationalized the assests of

Petroleum to prevent

Nigerian oil from getting to

the apartheid regime

6 / 50

6. The followings except one,

could be described as

benefits from the colonial

origin of African politics

7 / 50

7. The book written by Walter

Rotney is titled “How

Europe Underdeveloped


8 / 50

8. The type of democracy that

was practiced in Pre￾colonial Africa was called

9 / 50

9. The official Opposition

Leader in Nigeria during the

First Republic was

10 / 50

10. In most African countries,

the process of imperialism

and colonialism started with

slave trade and missionary

11 / 50

11. The first Nigeria's generally

acclaimed 'free and fair'

election was won by Chief

12 / 50

12. South Africa and a group of

countries in that region are


13 / 50

13. In 1925, ……………………

was formed by Ladipo

Solanke to fight colonial

policies in West Africa

14 / 50

14. In Ghana, the ruling party

under Kwameh Nkruma



15 / 50

15. All the following Nigerian

Governors except one,

were removed from office

through impeachment

16 / 50


According to Bade
Onimode (1981:96), the
dual economic system
created by colonial masters
were essentially to serve
subsistent needs of the
local paople and

17 / 50

17. The followings but one, are

the features of African


18 / 50

18. The chater establishing the

ECOMOG gave it the

mandate only for

19 / 50

19. In a democracy, the Fourth

Estate of the realm is

20 / 50

20. According to Richard

Joseph (2006),

……………………… is a

situtation where an

individual seeks a patron

and leans on him/her in

order to benefit from the

privileges of the upper class

21 / 50

21. United Nation was

established in the year

22 / 50

22. One of these African

countries did not practice

One Party System in the


23 / 50

23. Williams

sponsored the Anti-Slave

Trade Bill in the British


24 / 50

24. Operations of the

ECOMOG is limited to

_member states

25 / 50

25. The first military coup took

place in Nigeria on

26 / 50

26. The Traditional elites were

initiated into politics by the

British when

were created each in both

the Northern and Western

Regions of Nigeria

27 / 50

27. Inordinate ambition by

young military officers has

been identified as one of

the factors for political

in some developing


28 / 50

28. The military outfit known as

ECOMOG was established

as the military wing of

29 / 50

29. The civil war in one of these

African countries was

accompanied by genocide

in 1994

30 / 50

30. The Gambia Independence

Act of

_, was an Act of Parliament

of the United Kingdom

31 / 50

31. Esprit de corps' is a

palance commonly used by


and security agencies

32 / 50

32. One of the major obstacles

to women political

participation in Northern

Nigeria is


33 / 50

33. The first African country to

have elected female

President is

34 / 50

34. The title "Mwalimu" used by

a Tanzanian President

means The Great

35 / 50

35. Most post-independence

African leaders embraced

one-party system in line

with their belief in concept

of African

36 / 50

36. The West African Pilot was

a popular anti-colonial

newspaper in

37 / 50

37. One of the two major blocs

that led to the formation of

the Organization of African

Unity (now AU), was the


38 / 50

38. Nigeria belonged to the

group, which joined with the

radical bloc to form the

OAU in 1963

39 / 50

39. The first agitation against

imposition of taxes during

the colonial period in

Western Nigeria was

40 / 50

40. The popular saying "seek

first the kingdom of politics,

every ohters shall be added

ujnto it" is credited to a pan￾Africanist called

41 / 50

41. The Ghanaian popular

military revolution in the late

70s was led by John James


42 / 50

42. Loans, monetary aids or

technical assistance, are

some of

_instruments to control

African economies

43 / 50

43. Until October 1, 1960,

Nigeria was one of the

colonial territories of


44 / 50

44. In Sierra-Leone, the

colonial policy distinguished

between the Aborigines and

the ……………….

45 / 50

45. The campaign for the

extension of the tenure of

President Olusegun

Obasanjo of Nigeria was

killed by the

46 / 50

46. One of these institutions is

not directly involved in the

impeachment process

under the Nigerian


47 / 50

47. The eight point Millennium

Development Goals

(MDGS) was launched by


in year 2000

48 / 50

48. Liberia and

were the only African

countries never colonized

by any European power

49 / 50

49. The meeting to reconcile

Ojukwu and Gowon before

the outbreak of civil war in

Nigeria took place in------


50 / 50

50. One of the features of

African politics is


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