Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
The Prophet said whoever any hadith and acts by it will enter paradise
2 / 50
Some of the companions of the prophet who always dedicate their lives to staying in the mosques for devotions are called ------
3 / 50
Umar Ibn al-Khattab was known for ______during his administration
4 / 50
According to the Prophet the reasons why people marry women are in number
5 / 50
The caliph who first made an official statement on the compilation of Hadith is
6 / 50
The Arabic term for a traditionist is
7 / 50
Statements credited to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) are known as _____
8 / 50
The Arabic word for fabricated Hadith is
9 / 50
Unlike text of the Qur'an, can be recited in Salat.
10 / 50
A compiler of sound Hadith who laboured for good sixteen years (16yrs) before accomplishing his compilation is called ___________
11 / 50
One of the Sahabahs who heard hadith from the Prophet is --------
12 / 50
A nickname bagged by Muhammad (s.a.w) in his pre-Prophethood life was ______
13 / 50
When Hadith contains ______ about a personality, it is a sign of weakness
14 / 50
“Khushu” in salât means ___________
15 / 50
Hadith is the primary source of Shari'ah
16 / 50
When we talk of matn of any hadith we mean the of the hadith
17 / 50
Qur'an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad through angel ____
18 / 50
Of all the 4 Imams of Islamic jurisprudence, the one that is least traveled is
19 / 50
A typical Prophetic Tradition can be divided into two parts namely, Isnad and
20 / 50
Among the excellent categories of Hadith, the first is tagged __________
21 / 50
Sahihayn is the term for the books of and
22 / 50
The three collections of Hadith that are known as “sunan” belong to _____
23 / 50
A weak hadith is called hadith
24 / 50
The first hadith of AnNawawi's collections talke about-------
25 / 50
The followers of the Sahabis are known as ________
26 / 50
The collection arranged according to subject-matter is called
27 / 50
The Prophet’s Companion who started compilation of Hadith was _____
28 / 50
Another term interchangeably used for hadith is _____
29 / 50
Supply the first part of this Hadith: ‘______ is not one of us’ ( narrated by Muslim)
30 / 50
The two main parts of Hadith are________
31 / 50
The companion of the Prophet who has the largest volume of Hadith as a result of his unbroken companionship with the Prophet is
32 / 50
One of the great early compilers of Hadith is ______
33 / 50
The reasons why people get married according one hadith of the Prophet are --- ---
34 / 50
There are books of hadith
35 / 50
By the narraton of Muslim, the Prophet said: He is not powerful he who defeats his opponent but the one who defeats his passion. This Hadith teaches
36 / 50
The _________ is the technical term for a narrator of Hadith
37 / 50
The phrase Hadith Nabawi means __________
38 / 50
_____is unreliable and unacceptable Hadith
39 / 50
The first Hadith in the forty collection of al-Nawawi revolves around ______
40 / 50
The followers of the Sahabis are known as
41 / 50
According to one hadith a child will be questioned while still in the womb on issues
42 / 50
Prophet Muhammad was a mercy to all ______
43 / 50
The phrase Hadith Nabawi means
44 / 50
The chain of transmitters of any hadith is known as
45 / 50
The book of Muwatta by Imam Malik is arranged in style
46 / 50
The two most authentic books of Hadith are otherwise called ____
47 / 50
Those who involved themselves in the science of Hadith are_______
48 / 50
The Scholar of hadith who rarely traveled out of Madina is Imam
49 / 50
A hadith is classified to be un-authentic when it contradicts a text of the
50 / 50
Hadith, unlike the was not recorded during the life time of the Prophet because the Prophet warned against doing so.
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