Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
1. Which of the following statements may not be true concerning scientific texts?
2 / 50
2. When you increase your word power in any language, you are said to be _______ in the language.
3 / 50
3. In listening, your ability torelate or connect what wassaid before with what thespeaker is saying now iscalled________
4 / 50
4. _________is usually at differentlevels during the art oflistening.
5 / 50
5. To be effective in your academic life, it is recommended that you _______
6 / 50
6. For a poor reader to achieve a comprehensive rate of 80 �?? 90%, the study speed may be as low as _______
7 / 50
7. In listening comprehension, the most important thing a listener should determine is the _______
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8. Effective listening is difficult when there is _____
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9. You can_________a seemingly long anddifficult word by breaking itinto discussible parts suchas prefixes, root, andsuffixes.
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10. Which of the following may not help the listener who is trying to take notes from a lecture _______?
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11. Listening is said to beuseless if there isno______
12 / 50
12. In English lexicon, words that cut across all fields are called _________
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13. Which of the following may not make your understanding of an expository passage difficult?
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14. For a poor reader toachieve a comprehensionrate of 80 to 90%, the studyspeed will be_________words per minute
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15. A text that explains an issue, a theory, a concept or plan is call ______ text.
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16. Some speeches are to becomprehended___________because the points are nottoo important.
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The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. The statement can be regarded as ________
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18. when you start reading aninteresting novel, you find itdifficult to stopbecause______
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19. Sometimes, your world___________of the idea that is discussedin a passage can suggestthe meaning of new wordsin the passage.
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20. One cannot be said to have listened when one does not _______
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21. In most cases narratives are_______ in terms of style
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22. In ______ texts all points are to be supported with concrete evidences.
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23. Choose the option that gives the meaning of the capitalized word: Capable lawyers with business ACUMEN are valuable to any firm.
24 / 50
24. Not being able to read is tobe______of the happenings,events, situations anddevelopment around you.
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25. _________means screening a givenpassage very rapidly tolocate important informationwithin a large chunk ofreading materials.
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26. _______in reading is paramount toeffective reading.
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27. _________reading speed is the idealspeed for reading materialsthat are important andrequire intensive readingand comprehension.
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28. From the option provided, select the correct register that will correctly complete the sentence: The plane taxied down the ______ before it finally stopped.
29 / 50
29. Sometimes, your world___________of the idea that is discussedin a passage can suggestthe meaning of new wordsin the passage.
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30. As an interactive process, listening comprehension will involve the interpretative and the_______ of the listener.
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31. Your comprehension rateshould be about 80 or 90%in a___________
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32. From the options, choose the word that may be associated with Law
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33. From the options, choose the word that may be associated with Medicine
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34. Choose the alternative that gives the meaning of the indicated word: Instead of being 'benevolent' stewards of creation, we have been relentless destroyers of it.
35 / 50
35. For active listening ability,you need functioning ears,ability to anticipate andthink along with thespeaker, noting importantsignposts and________
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36. Reading 200 to 300 wordsper minutes is ideal in a________type of reading.
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37. ______ includes figures,formulae and tables thatare read in acomprehension passage
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38. When reading a newspaperto locate the score of afootball match, your readingspeed should be________
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39. ______ includes figures, formulae and tables that are read in a comprehension passage.
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40. Listening is said to be useless if there is no _______
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41. According to what you have studied, the first stage in reading for interpretation is _______
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42. You cannot listen, speak, read or write English effectively without _________
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43. Which of these tasks may not help you read and comprehend passages with tables easily?
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44. Choose the alternative that gives the meaning of the indicated word: The use of seatbelt is 'compulsory' in Lagos.
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45. All but one of these affects comprehension _______
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46. Choose the option that gives the meaning of the capitalized word: She was DIFFIDENT about stating her opinion.
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47. You read to gain knowledge of what is around you. Indeed, books enlighten you and make you______
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48. When in a distinguishedannual lecture
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49. You cannot listen, speak, read or write English effectively without _________
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50. Your ability to connect what was said before with what is been said now in a listening activity is called _______
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