Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
Water freezes at Degree Celsius
2 / 50
___ and ___ are examples of natural phenomena in water quality
3 / 50
The surface flow of water to areas of lower elevation is
4 / 50
precipitation is more than 5mm in diameter
5 / 50
is where surface water runoff has accumulated in a low spot relative to the surrounding countryside
6 / 50
7 / 50
discharge is the volume of water flowing past a fixed point within a fixed unit of time
8 / 50
A record of flow over time is called
9 / 50
The top of the groundwater zone is called
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11 / 50
Freezing rain occurs at temperatures below
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The more the available, the greater the rate of evapotranspiration.
13 / 50
13. Surface runoff is one of the causes of
14 / 50
Stream stage is the ___ of the water surface above an established datum plane
15 / 50
A farmer can calculate the water needs of crops by determining the
16 / 50
17 / 50
A is where surface water runoff has accumulated in a low spot relative to the surrounding countryside
18 / 50
The ocean which lies around the North Pole and covers an area of 14 million square kilometres is
19 / 50
The is the largest of all the oceans covering about onethird of the earth’s surface.
20 / 50
When long wave radiation emission occurs, is produced
21 / 50
A topographic region from which a stream receives runoff, throughflow, and groundwater flow is called
22 / 50
The type of fog whose flow is controlled with a different temperature is the
23 / 50
The ocean which is the oldest and most important seaway in the world, separating the continents of Africa and Europe is
24 / 50
The oldest and most important seaway in the world which separates the continents of Africa and Europe is the
25 / 50
Which of the following is not a relationship between stream height and flow?
26 / 50
Stream stage is the of the water surface above an established datum plane
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28 / 50
occurs when the capacity of the channel cannot contain water volume
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is a system of interconnected water bodies
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31 / 50
31. Water boils at
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At the rainfall takes place at a discrete point in time
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A process of water transfer by which there is direct precipitation down plants and branches is called
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Movement of water in the soil is not controlled by
35 / 50
Standard water quality can be categorised based on physical, chemical and ___ properties
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37 / 50
___ and ___are natural contaminants found in rocks
38 / 50
A is where surface water runoff has accumulated in a low spot relative to the surrounding countryside.
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is the surface flow of water to areas of lower elevation
40 / 50
The relationship between stream stage and stream flow is shown by a
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The surface flow of water to areas of lower elevation is called
42 / 50
Water freezes at degree Celsius
43 / 50
usually generates by frontal lifting associated with midlatitude cyclones
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45 / 50
The shape of a drainage pattern can also be altered by___ rock resistance
46 / 50
A topographical region from which a stream which receives runoff, throughflow, and groundwater flow is called ___ basin
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___ is the process by which water is transformed into a gaseous state
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49 / 50
are usually called the “headwaters”
50 / 50
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