Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
The title Fundamentals of Wildlife Management is of which module in ESM 106 course material
2 / 50
_______ organise excursions to wildlife parks to enable students to see at first hand some of the biological phenomena which cannot be demonstrated in conventional school laboratories
3 / 50
Environmental Management cannot be on the move without the process of ____________
4 / 50
_____________ cannot be removed from politics because of resources
5 / 50
Dualists are of the view that the problems of environmental management in nigeria are basically buried in the ______ past
6 / 50
The continued use of chemical as the _________ method of controlling wildlife pest is undersirable
7 / 50
Some domesticated animals, which have reverted to the ________ also constitute nuisance
8 / 50
Planning theory recommends __________ complementary modes which can be modified to environmental management
9 / 50
_______ are one of the class of animals which include men and monkeys
10 / 50
Environmental management in Nigeria historically may be grouped under _______ phases
11 / 50
Planning is a process of quickening the pace of natural evolution by _______ action
12 / 50
Humans have always killed animals for food for their skins and for animals product such as oil and ________
13 / 50
Forestry programme and their associated environmental management strategies were grouped into _________ zones
14 / 50
A resource may be defined as a means in nature that is available for supplying living organisms ________
15 / 50
The Fedaeral Environmental Protection Agency was estabblished in __________
16 / 50
Environmental resource management is a key Aspect in environmental ________
17 / 50
___________ reserves or game reserves can be designated for many purposes
18 / 50
___________ is defind as the use of earth's resources in such a way that they will be able to support all life including human li the future
19 / 50
Every single _________ more than 2000 square kilometers of land are eaten up by the spread of towns roads factoriesmining and soil erosion
20 / 50
Construction involves people and their values ______________
21 / 50
The course ESM106 environmental resource management is written by ________________
22 / 50
Resources may be classified into ___________ categorires
23 / 50
Each human demands some inputs for survival growth and ________
24 / 50
___________ as a process involves programming, auditing and information support systems
25 / 50
The rapid depletion of natural habitats in Nigeria is a very serious threat to our tropical rain forest ______ heritage
26 / 50
Certain wildlife species are found to be on the ________ of extinction
27 / 50
________ are at the root of the current Environmental problems the world is passing thoroughly
28 / 50
The __________ have contributed tremeduosly in the construction of bore holes water wells and other water reservoirs These are very essential development
29 / 50
There are countries today whose past generation did not fail the existing generation just because they employed appropriate environmental planning _______ and that also on time
30 / 50
_________ supplies them with the raw materials needed to maintain their existence
31 / 50
The activity of hunting and gathering by their very nature change plants and animals _________
32 / 50
Most people feel that a world without melodious __________ or delicate butterflies would be a much duller place to live in
33 / 50
Environmental Impact Assessment is a planning process which saw its formal start in _______
34 / 50
Animal which kills other animals for food as known as ________
35 / 50
When a __________ is in danger of extinction it may be necessary to transfer a breeding stock to an animals ot botanic garden for plants
36 / 50
Our research scientists utilize wild animals in their _______________
37 / 50
__________ is a technical instrument a process and an end result
38 / 50
_____ projects a desirable future event from present and past experiences
39 / 50
In planning ______________ are more important than techniques
40 / 50
Some _______ tsetse flies and termites cause severe economic losses to people
41 / 50
The first school of thought says environmental management in Nigeria began as a novel _______________
42 / 50
Hunting in Nigeria used to be for _________ and a common habit
43 / 50
In its broadest sense_________ encompasses all living organisms that occur in the wild
44 / 50
Game reserves are common to all but one of these states in nigeria except _______
45 / 50
________ anything we obtain from the earth life support systems or environment made available by nature forsurvival needs
46 / 50
Many living things are not only interesting, but also very beautiful and appeal to our sense of ___________
47 / 50
Severe soil erosion flooding and famine are often characteristic of areas where the natural ________ has been destroyed
48 / 50
Wildlife supplies ______ percent of the annual consumption of animal protein in the rural area of the forest belt
49 / 50
In Nigeria many wild ________ species have become extinct as a result of changes in their natural habitats
50 / 50
____________ auditing is an instrument for executive information and control
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