Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
Which of the following psychologists advocates teaching approach which is based on scientific methods ?
2 / 50
The presentation stage in the development of a lesson is the or otherwise the central part of the lesson
3 / 50
The physical, mental, emotional or social maturation of the learner is referred to as
4 / 50
The success of teacher is measured by the of his students
5 / 50
What a person learns is influenced directly by his __________
6 / 50
Which teaching method is most suitable for skill subjects?
7 / 50
Considering Thorndike theory, skill acquisition in business studies can be acquired through_____
8 / 50
All Learning occurs through attempts to satisfy_________
9 / 50
A good teaching method takes into consideration all the _______ groups of learners in the class.
10 / 50
Which of the following is a demerit of learner centred method?
11 / 50
Teacher vary his/her teaching method in other to_______
12 / 50
The degree of motivation a students has for the task could affect his
13 / 50
Business skills acquired at the secondary school level enable individuals to make useful for themselves as well as prepare students for higher education
14 / 50
The techniques or strategies that enable a teacher to communicate his lesson are known as
15 / 50
Reinforcement is one of the key of learning
16 / 50
________ laws state that satisfying consequences serve to reinforce stimulusresponse bonds
17 / 50
________ approach is a method generally used for students in higher institution
18 / 50
The relatively permanent change that takes place ar the end of teacher- student interaction is known as
19 / 50
Teaching method that allows the used of five senses in learning is__________
20 / 50
Learning could be seen as a modification of
21 / 50
The goal of learning is to bring about learning in the student
22 / 50
Methods of teaching that can easily get out of control if not well monitored is__________
23 / 50
are instructional materials which the teacher uses to supplement instruction
24 / 50
No one teaching method is the best. Do you agree?
25 / 50
The desire to learn is inherent in all normal persons
26 / 50
Affective domain influences our
27 / 50
Universities and Polytechnics in Nigeria offer a _year course in business education
28 / 50
Thorndike's theories contain element of
29 / 50
Teacher wipe off an illustration on a board after the students have finished drawing it to ___________
30 / 50
The art of causing another to learn is known as
31 / 50
What types of teaching method is used to consolidates the deductive method of teaching?
32 / 50
The method of teaching Shorthand whereby students are made to read Shorthand outlines is known as
33 / 50
Students learn a lot by watching how certain things are
34 / 50
The establishment of business education courses in higher institution of learning in Nigeria was encouraged by the PhelpsStrolks report of 1920 and the report of the Ashby commission of1
35 / 50
_Objectives can be defined as the competencies and behavioural expressions of a programme
36 / 50
Reward and Punisment should be given to students regardlesss of age and character
37 / 50
can only be acquired when put into practice
38 / 50
Business Studies is one of the ________ subjects offered by junior secondary school students in Nigeria
39 / 50
According to Farrant (1964), the pre-requisite for efficient learning are readiness, motivation and
40 / 50
The lecture method is ideal for students in tertiary institutions of learning
41 / 50
Who pro[ounded the theory of X and Y ?
42 / 50
Teacher -centred methods include lecture method, demonstration method,questioning techniques, textbook method, Visual aids and chalkboard technique
43 / 50
All the following are examples of reinforcement except
44 / 50
44. Cognitive domain refers to
45 / 50
The Law of effect was later modified to read the Law of
46 / 50
All the following are methods of teaching a Shorthand EXCEPT
47 / 50
A teacher should maintain eye-contact method when teaching
48 / 50
A good teaching method should take into consideration the average, the average and the below average learners
49 / 50
Learning is reinforced when_________ or more senses are used at the same time
50 / 50
Deductivre method is also known as
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