
Category: ECO254



1 / 151

A _____ can said to be a measurement of how expectations are compared to results.

2 / 151

When a random varaible takes values from a continuous probabilities that are non zero, this can only refer to _____

3 / 151

Probability distribution
assigns a probability to
each measurable subset of
the possible _____

4 / 151

_________ is a population commonly
contains too many
individuals to study

5 / 151

The density function is
symmetrical about x equal
to zero, so that its median
is _______

6 / 151

One of the uses of statistics is to make a ______

7 / 151

Given a population
consisting of numbers
1,2,3,4,5,6. The mean of
the population is

8 / 151

A regression analysis is inappropriate when

9 / 151

the first important attribute
of a sample is that every
individual in the population
from which it is drawn must
have a known _____ chance of being included in

10 / 151

__________ limit are the end points of
the confidence interval.

11 / 151

The regression equation for
predicting number of
speeding tickets (Y) from
information about driver
age (X) is Y = -.065(X) +
5.57. How many tickets
would you predict for a

12 / 151

_____ test is a statistical test that is used on paired nominal data

13 / 151

______ is a type of probability distribution in which all outcomes are equally alike

14 / 151

Uniform distribution can
also be seen as a statistical
distribution in which every
possible outcome has

15 / 151

The mean mark of students in statistics test is 68 with standard deviation of 30. If samples consisting of 64 students each are obtained from the students population of 6,000. Calculate the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of mean if sampling is done with replacement

16 / 151

The _____ distribution has
been applied to model the
behaviour of random
varaibles limited to intervals
of finite length in a wide
variety of disciples

17 / 151

A doctor claims that the mean weight of babies delivered at her hospital is 4.2kg. A Statistician takes a sample of 10 babies and obtains the following weights: 1.2, 2.8, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.7, 2.7, 4.0, 4.4, 4.1. Test the doctor's claim at 95% level of significance.

18 / 151

_____ error occurs when/if an hypothesis is rejected when it should be accepted

19 / 151

Given the following simple
regression model Y = ao +
a1X1, the independent
varaible in the model is

20 / 151

In test of hypothesis, the
maximum probability of
risking a ______ is known
as the level of significance

21 / 151

_____ statistical test in which the critical area of a distribution is one-sided

22 / 151

Matching is carried out by
identifying pairs of values
consisting of one
observation from each of
the two _______

23 / 151

The calculation of sampling distribution is a step forward to look at different ways of obtaining distribution of proportion process of _____ data

24 / 151

Sampling where each
member of the population
may be chosen more than
once is called sampling ________

25 / 151

An F test is a statistical test in which the test statistics has ____ distribution under a null hypothesis situation

26 / 151

______ test is used when testing for independence in a contingency table

27 / 151

Three out of the 9 finalists in an African American beauty competition are Nigerians. If two winner are to be selected, find the probability that only one of them would be a Nigeria.

28 / 151

The values of a parameter and that of the corresponding satatistics are not always the same _____

29 / 151

Alternative hypothesis is denoted as ______

30 / 151

_________ is a test that allows us to
compare a collection of
categorical data with the
theoretical distribution

31 / 151

Given the following simple regression model Y = ao + a1X1 + a2X2, the dependent variable in the model is

32 / 151

A ___
is considered to be known
when we know the
probability distribution f(x)
(probability function or
density function) of the
associated random variable

33 / 151

Ho in hypothesis testing is ________

34 / 151

Hypotheses are formulated
and different types of
statistical tests are carried
out in order to make a
reasonable ____

35 / 151

Chi-square goodness of fit test is applied when you have one categorical varaible from a ____ population.

36 / 151

A discrete probability
distribution is a probability
characterized by a
probability ______

37 / 151

The Cauchy distribution is named after _____

38 / 151

Three out of the 9 finalists in an African American beauty competition are Nigerians. If two winner are to be selected, find the probability that; at least one of them would be a Nigerian.

39 / 151

A ______ Probability distribution is a probability distribution that has a probability density function

40 / 151

______ error occurs when/if an hypothesis is accepted when it should be rejected.

41 / 151

sampling error (E) is
defined as the difference
between the sample
statistic (s) and the _____ being estimated

42 / 151

___________ is a statistical test in which
the critical area of a
distribution is two sided and
tests whether a sample is
either greater than or less
than a certain range of

43 / 151

If the parameters are over
estimated, the sampling
errors are _______

44 / 151

In hypotheses testing some
errors are committed in the
quest for taking a good __

45 / 151

A Company short lists 12 applicants for an interview out of which 4 are men. If there are only five vacant posts to be filled, find the probability that the list of successful applicant contains all women

46 / 151

__________ are collections of test
statistics that is used for the
analysis of stratified
categorical data

47 / 151

_____ is used to determine all reasonably likely values of the difference between two population means

48 / 151

An __________
can be defined as any
statistical test in which the
test statistics has an F
distribution under a null
hypothesis situation and it
is usually used when
comparing statistical
models in a data set so that
we can identify the mode
that best fits the population
where the date were

49 / 151

The two types of hypothesis are ______ and _____ hypothesis

50 / 151

Application of Simple Linear regression analysis is the way by which we subject different data to statistical analysis by using computer
software such strata, e-view to analyse and predict the relationship between the dependent variable and

51 / 151

Interval estimation involves
estimating an interval which
is known as ______

52 / 151

In a statistics examination for secondary students, the 12 females used in the study has a mean score of 71 and a variance of 22 while the 10 males used has a mean score of 77 and a variance of 8. Calcualte the confidence intervals at 99% level of significance.

53 / 151

_is an approach use in
ANOVA (that is a region
analysis involving two
qualitative factors) to detect
whether the factor variables
are additively related to the
expected value of the
response variables

54 / 151

_____ is used when testing for
independence in a
contingency table

55 / 151

Null hypothesis are usually
denoted with the symbol _____

56 / 151

_______ s a statistical test in which
the critical area of a
distribution is one-sided so
that it is either greater than
or less than a certain value,
but not both.

57 / 151

If an hypothesis talk about
no difference then we have ______

58 / 151

The standard deviation is to the mean as the ____________ is to the regression line

59 / 151

The t statistics was introduced in ________ year

60 / 151

The ______
curve is one of the most
popular models used in
statistical tests of

61 / 151

The standard deviation is to the mean as the ____________ is to the regression line.

62 / 151

A coin also has a uniform distribution because the _____ in a coin toss is the same

63 / 151

__________ occurs when/if an
hypothesis (Null
hypothesis) is rejected
when it should be accepted
and this occurs when the
hypothesis value falls within
acceptance region.

64 / 151

Hypothesis may be
directional or ___

65 / 151

_____ is a statistics process for estimating the relationship among varaibles.

66 / 151

A t-test is any statistical test
in which the test statistic
follows a student’s t ______ if the null hypothesis is

67 / 151

The _____ distribution is a two parameter family of continuous peobability distributions.

68 / 151

A _____ is considered to be known when we know the probability distribution

69 / 151

If an individual were selected at random from a large group of adult females, the probability that it has height M is precisely 68 inches (that is 68.00 inches) would be zero. What is the probability that M is between 67.00 inches and 68.00 inches.

70 / 151

A graph for frequency distribution can be supplied by a _____

71 / 151

sampling where each
member cannot be chosen
more than once is called
sampling _____

72 / 151

The probability (or risk) or
committing type 1 error on
a true null hypothesis is
denoted by the Greek letter

73 / 151

Hi in hypothesis testing is _______

74 / 151

Null hypothesis is denoted as ______

75 / 151

In an experimental
research, the scientist may
have two groups, an
experimental group and a ______

76 / 151

Type 2 error is a situation
when one accepts the
hypothesis when it should

77 / 151

_____ test is a statistical test that is applied to categorical data to investigate how likely it is that any observed difference betweeen the sets arose by chance.

78 / 151

In Probability and Statistics, a probability distribution assigns a probability to each measurable sunset of the possible outsomes of a ______

79 / 151

Regression analysis is
widely used for ____
and forecasting

80 / 151

The Cauchy distribution is often used in statistics as the canonical example of pathological distribution since both its mean and its variance are ______

81 / 151

The null hypothesis in the chi-square test states that

82 / 151

______ is a random varaibles that we assigns a probability to each possible value

83 / 151

Given Z = Bo + B1X1 + B2X2. From the equation above, the explanatory variables are _______

84 / 151

The discrete uniform
distribution is commonly
used in ______ programs that make equal
probability random
selections between a
number of choices

85 / 151

Probabilities associated
with individual values of x
cannot be _______ or greater than 1 since this
has no meaning

86 / 151

_____ test ia a collection of test statistics that is used for the analysis of stratified categorical data

87 / 151

______ is a statistical test that is
applied to categorical data
to investigate how likely it is
that any observed
difference between the sets
arose by chance and it is
good for unpaired data that
can be seen from large

88 / 151

In this situation, the
population for which
inferences is to be made is
assumed to be normally
distributed with _______

89 / 151

Another technique that can
be employed with respect
to the issue of rejecting or
accepting Ho is _______

90 / 151

If the distribution of x is
continuous, then x is called
a _______
random variable

91 / 151

Vivian Odishika company prints baseball cards. The company claims that 40% of the cards are rookies, 70% veterans and 10% are all stars. Suppose a random sample of 100 cards has 50 rookies, 48 veterans and 8 all stars. Using 95% level of significance, Calculate the claim of the compnay

92 / 151

The one tailed test gets its
name from testing the area
under one of the tails
(sides) of a _______

93 / 151

In statistics, _____
is an approach for
modelling the relationship
between s scalar
dependent variable y and
one or more explanatory
variables denoted x

94 / 151

A continuous probability
distribution is a probability
distribution that has a
probability ______

95 / 151

If the aim of an hypothesis
is to conclude that one item
is better or less than the
other then we have ______

96 / 151

Alternative hypothesis are
usually denoted with the
symbol _____

97 / 151

The ____ distribution is a
family of continuous
probability distributions
defined on the interval of 0
and 1 parameterized by two
positive shape parameters

98 / 151

The term regression was introduced by ______

99 / 151

______ is the values of a population
parameter and that of the
corresponding statistic that
are not always the same

100 / 151

In a statistics examination for secondary students, the 23 females used in the study has a mean score of 81 and a variance of 12 while the 20 males used has a mean score of 78 and a variance of 10. Do you think gender have an effect on the score of there secondary student at 99% level significance?

101 / 151

A ________
can said to be a
measurement of how
expectations are compared
to results.

102 / 151

A deck of cards has a uniform distribution because the likelihood of drawing a heart, a club, a diamond or spade is equally _____

103 / 151

The t statistic was introduced by Willian Sealey Gosset a ______ working for Guinness Brewery in Dublin Finland

104 / 151

If 150 tosses are made of a fair coin, find the probability that between 38% and 78% will be heads

105 / 151

A _____ is any statistical test in which the test statistic follows a students's t distribution if the null hypothesis is supported.

106 / 151

The standard deviation of
the sampling distribution is
known as the _________

107 / 151

The numerical value of the decision rule is called _____

108 / 151

Calcualte the mean of a uniform disribution given that (a+b) = 7/128 and b= 6.40 while a= 2.10

109 / 151

_______ is the distribution that make use of discrete varaibles and combinatorial analysis

110 / 151

Regression analysis is widely used for ______ and ______

111 / 151

Simple Regression analysis is also called ______ Regression equation

112 / 151

A _________
is the set of all possible
values of a particular

113 / 151

Any assumptions made
with the sole purpose of
rendering the statistical
hypothesis insignificant is
called a ______

114 / 151

Calculate the varaince of uniform distribution given that (a + b) = 6/200 and b = 2.20 while a = 1.10

115 / 151

The T statistic was
introduced in _______ by William Sealy Gosset, a
chemist working for the
Guinness Brewery in
Dublin, Ireland

116 / 151

Given a constant b such that the function f(n) = bn square is 0,1,2. Find the probability of x is greater than 1 and less than 2

117 / 151

The probability (or risk) or
committing type 2 error is
denoted by the Greek letter

118 / 151

Regression analysis is also
used in casual relationship
between a linear model that
is between the dependent
variable to an

119 / 151

One of the uses of statistics
is to make a decisive ________

120 / 151

Any assumptions made
with the sole purpose of
rendering the statistical
hypothesis significant is
called a _______

121 / 151

If the 0.05 level of
significance is to be used in
a two tailed test, the 0.05
level is shared between the
two ends of the tails giving
0.025 or __________

122 / 151

In quality control, one might demand that the probability of a 800g package containing between 790g and 810g should be not less than _______

123 / 151

A type of photocopier has a paper Jam on average once every 3000 copies. What is the probability that there will be more than two jams in a 3000 copy run?

124 / 151

When a die is thrown once,
the probability of getting
one is _____

125 / 151

A continuous random
varaible is the one which
can take a continuous
range of _____

126 / 151

In statistical analysis the 99% confident level is also known as ____

127 / 151

An hypotheses is
formulated with the basic
idea of nulifying the
hypotheses and rendering
the hypothese _____

128 / 151

_____ s the value of a statistic
obtain vary from one
sample to another even
when equal samples are
selected from the same
population using the same

129 / 151

___________ enables us to have an
estimate of how sample
mean deviates from the
population mean.

130 / 151

In the case of one
explanatory variable is
called ___________
linear regression.

131 / 151

The two tailed test gets its
name from testing the area
under both of the tails
(sides) of a _______

132 / 151

In test of hypothesis, the
maximum probability of
risking a type 1 error is
known as the ________

133 / 151

Confidence interval is used
to determine all reasonably
likely values of the
difference between two ___________

134 / 151

______ measure is the
standard way of assigning a
measure to a subsets of an
n-dimensional volume

135 / 151

Regression analysis is a
statistical process for
estimating the relationship
among ______

136 / 151

In the case of more than one explanatory variable is called

137 / 151

Lebesgue measure is the
standard way os assigning
a measure to a_____ of an n-dimensional volume

138 / 151

The distribution like the
binomial and poisson
distribution is a probability
that makes use of ______

139 / 151

A graph for frequency
distribution can be supplied
by a histogram or by a
polygon graph often called
a _____

140 / 151

One explanatory varaible is called a ______

141 / 151

Given Y = a + Bx1 + Cx2. The equation above is an example of _____

142 / 151

A Company short lists 12 applicant for an interview out of which 4 are men. If there are only five vacant posts to be filled, find the probability that the list of successful applicant contains at least 2 men.

143 / 151

___________ is a statistical test that is
used on paired nominal

144 / 151

________ theory deals with the study
of the relationships that
exist between a given
population and the samples
drawn from the population.

145 / 151

______ is a tentative statement in a statistical analysis

146 / 151

F Test was coined by
George, W. Snedeaor but
he used it to honour Sir
Ronald A. Fisher and
Fisher initially developed
the statistics as the
variance ratio in _____

147 / 151

Generating a data is important in _______ analysis

148 / 151

The t test was ____ and ____ of two samples to make comparism

149 / 151

If the parameters are under
estimated, the sampling
errors are ______

150 / 151

The term regression was
introduced by _____

151 / 151

When an equation is in a general term in a multinomial expansion it is called ____

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