Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
Learning through rhymes, songs, questions and anecdotes is facilitated through what has been described as
2 / 50
2. E. C. E. Means
3 / 50
Learning through rhymes, songs, questions and anecdotes is facilitated through what has been described as one of the followng
4 / 50
Play and Learning and are inseparable concepts in early childhood what?
5 / 50
is one that is outside the classroom.
6 / 50
A resourceful caregiver or teacher creates a place for learning by providing as many
7 / 50
The word was described as the surrounding which affects growth and development of any living things.
8 / 50
How many hours do children spend in the montessori house's central room for intellectual work in a day ?
9 / 50
The beginning of playful activity can be observed from which period?
10 / 50
All Montessori didactic materials are based upon Montessori's concept of the relationship between and development
11 / 50
What is the profession of Maria Montessori ?
12 / 50
Curiosity aids learning and also promotes one of this
13 / 50
Two basic concept of human growth and development are and
14 / 50
what refers to all conditions and influences, which shape human growth and development ?
15 / 50
15. Which type of play Is exhibited when children interact with others, share, borrow, lend toys from each others ?
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Children have been observed to enjoy listening to, and telling
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Learning refers to a change in behaviour which results from what?
18 / 50
which of the factors affecting learing is genotypic make up and has personality trait ?
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refers to the fact that a response may occur in the presence of an event that is similar
20 / 50
Which of the behaviour is child eliciting when he/she spend most of his/her time watching others ?
21 / 50
The teachers must be loving and
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Children often enjoy naturally
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The term that describes the child's desire or need to master a skill is known as
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The outdoor environment allows a lot of freedom to explore and encourage a great deal of
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The absence of strong, and caring relationships may retard children’s curiosity
26 / 50
Climbing helps children in managing different heights and control.
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27. What is infancy period ?
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Learning in young children often results from the interaction between the child’s and
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The level of learning at which children can apply or make use of their understanding of events, objects, people or concepts is regarded as
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The environment provided by the pregnant or expectant mother to the is crucial
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Children do not need any adult or external prompting before they start to
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Which of the following concepts can a child between the age 1-5 years learn ?
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The _of the early childhood programme must be conducive to learning and healthy to overall development
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Classical conditioning was first observed and demostrated by the
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35. When do learning begin ?
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For the period of time that children spent at the Centre, the staff is a
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It may be fruitless to force a child acquire skill before the child is?
38 / 50
Outdoor environment is one that is outside which of the following?
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When is reinforcement positive ?
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What is the main use of operant conditioning by psychologists ?
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What refers toquantitative and qualitative changes occuring in the child over time ?
42 / 50
The following are the subtheories of cognitive theory except
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Another name for imitation is called
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What plays a very key role in the learning process ?
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The child should be called by his name and with care to others in the environment.
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what is seen as a function of stimulus and response relationship ?
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47. The United Nations convention on the right of the child state that a child should have opportunities for play and leisure activities but should not do one of the following
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Activities areas in the centre include the following except
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Large muscle activity area should have
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who said imitative learning can occur in the presence of reinforcement .
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