Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
The framework of jobs and departments that make up any organization must be directed towards achieving the organization's
2 / 50
A good risk management program involves _____________ Basic steps
3 / 50
Halogen security company limited was incorporated in _____________
4 / 50
Clerical and cleaning jobs are done by _____________
5 / 50
The unauthorized duplication of sounds or images only from a legitimate recording is called
6 / 50
The descriptive term which implies triming of small amount of money from many sources and diverting these slices into one's own or accomplice's acount is called ___________
7 / 50
Both _____________and_____________is compulsory for security guards
8 / 50
Act (Cap 367) of Guides the licensing, control and adminstration adn prohibited activities offences and penalties rregarding PGCs.
9 / 50
The legal powers, rights and _of private security personnel are obscurely and confusingly located across a range of fields
10 / 50
Generally human insecurity has been one of the major factors that have been a serious threat to
11 / 50
PI Kits Includes DVR Kits, survellance kits and
12 / 50
On the otherhand, are those operations provided by a professional security company that contracts its services to a company
13 / 50
On the other hand, delegating jobs increases the need for managerial_____________ and _____________
14 / 50
These specific and confused forms are counterfeiting, and bootlegging
15 / 50
Private security personnel are in reality not different from ordinary
16 / 50
Coordination is the bedrock of the department
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In direct response to the government's decision to increase the licence fees for guarding companies, other assocications were founded in
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A good hybrid system consists of _Components
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A critical on-site examination to ascertain the present security status, identity deficits or excess, determine the protection need and make _________ recommendations to immprove the overall security of the operation
20 / 50
According to Sutherland (1939) white collar crime is defined as an offence committed by a person of a respectability and high social status in the course of his or her
21 / 50
21. Spying is also referred to as
22 / 50
The concept of risk management allows risks to be handled in a _____________ Manner using long held management principles
23 / 50
CCTV is used for more security coverage in place of ________________
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There are at least _separate private security associations in Nigeria
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can be described as that aspect of security designed purposely to provide protection for specific infrastructure particularly those infrastructure considered critical
26 / 50
In cases of riot where groups engage in wanton destruction of lives and properties, it is not nessasry for private security guards to in dislodging the rioters and resolve conflict.
27 / 50
The type of conflict that arises in a dyadic relationship is known as ____________
28 / 50
Risk identification is to make the task of risk analysis more _____________ By establishing a base from which to proceed
29 / 50
Using technologically advanced listening devices, eaves dropping can be done on traditional telephone lines and even satellite networks.
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The structure of a security business must be consistent with its
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___________is saddled with the responsibility of managing and controlling of information.
32 / 50
32. CCTV means_____________
33 / 50
According to the National Legal Systems 'regular' private security guards operate under governance of the ministry of
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Staff with various positions are otherwise known as _____________
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The number of people who report to one manager or supervisor is called
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The fundamental human rights declaration came into eistence as a result of revolution against
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37. Audio Equipment: Includes Analog and
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Information security can be defined as a means of protecting information from any illegitimate access and use, theft , amendment or malicious attacks or _____________
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In the organograme of the NSCDCs the least officer is called ____________
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Another important reason for the growth of private security sector is that of
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private security companies _____________ Serve as sources of intelligence gathering
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___________is essentially an exhaustive physical examination of the premises and a thorough inpsection of all operational systems and procedures
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Private security officer is required to make arrest
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The structural organisation of security firms can be classified depending on the
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The recomendation of licensing of PSC has to be made by
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The private security addresses the ability or neglect of the _to provide protection for its citizens
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Private security have access to the community through __communincations technologies
48 / 50
Piracy takes _specific and often confused forms
49 / 50
__generally refers to the security departments that exist within businesses or corporations
50 / 50
The oldest of these private security associations is
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