Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
The first newspaper in Nigeria was established by- ------------
2 / 50
A type of lead that is broken into two sentences to express two related ideas is called
3 / 50
What are the major components of a cutline?
4 / 50
----------------war was believed to have been caused by the press.
5 / 50
Which of these is not a skill required for a good headline writer.
6 / 50
An interview conducted by a reporter concerning an individual’s life, activities, views or character is called
7 / 50
Anything that is of interest to the immediate environment can be regarded as
8 / 50
The first newspaper in Nigeria was established by
9 / 50
The editing symbols LC means
10 / 50
The Nigerian Tribune was established by----------
11 / 50
The impact of mass printings on societies by Johannes Gutenberg’s invention includes the following except:
12 / 50
The bridge can be used for which of the following purposes?
13 / 50
Jeremy Tunstull and Lord Macaulay are mainly associated with the notion of
14 / 50
Mention two (2) important functions of headlines and
15 / 50
The West African Pilot was published by
16 / 50
Fairness and equal presentation of news event is referred to as
17 / 50
Sentences for news stories should NOT have which of the following characteristics?
18 / 50
During the Biafran war, the press was used mainly as a machinery
19 / 50
What is the purpose of a picture cutline?
20 / 50
The type of lead that presents the gist of the event in the fewest possible words
21 / 50
Public Journalism is also referred to as
22 / 50
The first element of our syllable alphabet of today was created by
23 / 50
The popular Decrees No. 4 and No. 2 were promulgated under regime.
24 / 50
The West African Pilot was a newspaper
25 / 50
The Nigerian Tribune was established by------------
26 / 50
All except which of the following are guidelines you should use when writing sentences?
27 / 50
The Nigerian Daily Times was formally called
28 / 50
‘Nose for News’ means one of the following except------- --
29 / 50
Another name for copy editing is
30 / 50
Which of these is not a function of headline
31 / 50
The press is often referred to as
32 / 50
Which of the following is NOT an axiom of newswriting?
33 / 50
Gutenberg printing technology was developed in
34 / 50
One of these was involved in the efforts to get the first world legislation that guarantee the freedom of the press
35 / 50
The newspaper first newspaper establishe by Chief Obafemi Awolowo was
36 / 50
Two key new values are and
37 / 50
Which of the following elements must be present in every good news story?
38 / 50
Which of the following does not constitute court contempt
39 / 50
How should you use verb tenses in cutlines?
40 / 50
The first prototype of English newspaper is called
41 / 50
Sketching or photographing the judge or any people or scenes in the courtroom without the permission of the court is an offence called
42 / 50
43 / 50
The amount of background information needed in a cutline is influenced by which of the following factors?
44 / 50
One of these newspapers is not part of missionary press
45 / 50
When writing a news release, what rule should you observe with regard to completeness and brevity?
46 / 50
The news gatherers in journalism are called
47 / 50
The term “news peg” refers to what factor(s)?
48 / 50
List 3 determinants of news , _, and
49 / 50
Which of the following sentences contains a strong, active verb?
50 / 50
The weekly newspaper published by Robert Campbell was
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