
Category: BIO201



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50

1. Whose theory stated that “small representative of all parts of the parental body are concentrated in the semen”?

2 / 50

2. One of the most clear – cut piece of evidence ilIustrating sex – linked inheritance was reported by ___________

3 / 50

3. What is the probability that if a farmer would put his hand in a bowl containing the red seeds from a bowl containing a cross of Rr X Rr, he would pick up a seed which is Rr in genotype?

4 / 50

4. In a genetic cross, the parents are symbolized P while the second generation is symbolized as __________

5 / 50

5. If the genes for a trait occur in both sexes, but the expression of the trait is different in the sexes, the trait is said to be __________

6 / 50

6. The stage at which chromosomes move to the opposite poles during cell division is called __________

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7. A situation in which alleles of one gene separate into gametes randomly with respect to the alleles of other genes refers to the law of _________

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8. In sex determination system, an XO individual is phenotypically a _________

9 / 50

9. In a heterozygote, the allele that is not expressed is the ________ allele

10 / 50

10. Boveri was able to show that the abnormal development of a dispermic embryo was the result of the __________ chromosome distribution.

11 / 50

11. In order to have four toes in guinea pugs, there must be at least ____________ contributing alleles present

12 / 50

12. The following statements are pararallel between the genetics and cytological facts that form the basis of the chromosome theory except ____.

13 / 50

13. A cross between an offspring and one of its parents is known as a ____________

14 / 50

14. The symbols used to represent the alleles of genotypes of an individual are called __________

15 / 50

15. A genetic experiment involves a trihybrid cross : AaBbCc x AaBbCc. What is the number of genetic fusions?

16 / 50

16. _________ disproved the Hyppocrate’s theory.

17 / 50

17. In Nilsson- Ehle’s work with the colour of wheat kernel, a cross between pure breeding dark red-kerneled and white kernel parents were all of intermediate red colour. In the F2 generation however, one- sixteenth of the progeny has the same dark red colour of the Pgeneration parents. This shows that the trait is controlled by ____.

18 / 50

18. An individual having two unidentical alleles of a given gene is said to be _________ for that gene.

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19. The following are true of genetics except ____.

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20. _____ provided the most convincing proof of the theory that genes are on chromosomes.

21 / 50

21. Genes in the X-chromosome forming the barr body is __________

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22. The diploid number of chromosomes in humans is _________

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23. A phenomenon whereby the gene for a trait is located on the X or Y chromosome is known as ________

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24. According to Darwin, exact miniature replicas called ________ of the body parts and organs are carried in the blood stream to be assembled in the gametes.

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25. The most prominent adherent to the inheritance of acquired characteristics in recent times was ________

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26. The performation theory postulated that a miniature human being called a ___________ is present in the sperm.

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27. Albinism is an autosomal trait in human. The allelic symbol ‘a’ of an albino shows that the genotype is __________

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28. A condition in which more than one sperm fertilizes an egg is called __________

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29. Which of the following statements best describe aneuploidy?

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30. A cross in which the traits of the male and the female are reversed is known as a ___________ cross.

31 / 50

31. If two coins are thrown simultaneously, what is the probability that the first coin will be head and the second tail?

32 / 50

32. In drosophila, non-disjunction cannot occur between ____.

33 / 50

33. In human males, the sex chromosomal constitution is _________

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34. In which of the following sex abnormallies in man are those affected recognized as females but are poorly developed?

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35. It is assumed that skin colour in man is determined by a maximum of _________ additive loci.

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36. Albinism is an autosomal trait in human. The allelic symbol ( A ) is for __________

37 / 50

37. In Mendel’s experiment on garden peas, tall ( TT ) in dominant over dwarf ( t ). In a TT x tt cross, the chances of obtaining a tall plant is _________

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38. Where a gene is not sex – linked, it must therefore be __________

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39. ____________ is regarded as the father of Genetics.

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40. _________ advanced the theory of evolution.

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41. Two individuals heterozygous at certain loci are crossed, given that the number of loci = n, an expression that represent the number of different types of gametic fusion is given by _________

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42. If a farmer put his hand in a bowl containing the red seeds from a cross of Rr x Rr, what is the probability that he would pick a seed which is RR in genotype?

43 / 50

43. A cross between a male chicken and a normal female which results in two female to one male instead of the expected 1:1 ratio among progeny of this cross is a proof that the male has a chromosomal constitution of ____.

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44. The observable characteristics of an organism is referred to as the ________

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45. The following are patterns of sex chromosome distribution except _____.

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46. In sex determination system, an XXY individual is phenotypically a ________

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47. Genes located on the Y chromosome can specifically be referred to as __________ genes.

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48. The division of chromosomes in mitosis as well as their constancy was described by _____.

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49. What is the probability that the first child of Aa x aa parents will have a recessive genotype?

50 / 50

50. _____ postulated the preformation theory.

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