
Category: CIT102



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A. __________ is the term for changing of a document.

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B. RAM stands for Random ________ Memory

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C. ________ simply means Treasury of Synonym and Antonyms where you can select alternative words for same words.

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D. Having access to a collection of information in a given field of study is a feature of an expert system

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E. Microsoft project is an application used for __________

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F. __________ languages are the machine independent languages.

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G. A worksheet is arranged in rows and ___________.

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H. Microsoft power point has what type of extension ?

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I. Microsoft ___________ is the office application used for database activities

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J. Database Management packages are the applications that computerize the routine tasks of recording and filing of __________

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K. Editing is simply defined as Text ___________

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L. In Word Processing environment, the ________ is very similar to the tip or point of a pen and it indicates where text will appear next when it is entered from the keyboard

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M. which of these is not a type of computer?

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N. ________ option saves your document, using the current filename or the one given to it by Microsoft Word.

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O. Microsoft _________ is an application used for presentations

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P. The instructions meant to run an application are stored in _________

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Q. _________ menu provides options for editing and manipulating text

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R. Oracle provides __________ application

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S. Letter “A” is usually used by the OS to Identify __________ drive

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T. Joystick is considered as an _______ device

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U. The mouse is a member of the group called ___________ Devices

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V. In computer programming the __________ stage is where you as a programmer, plan the logic of the solution.

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W. The _________ phase of computer programming consists of debugging or removing the program errors and the program testing.

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X. A very good example of Desktop Publishing packages is the Microsoft _________

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Y. In _________ phase of computer programming the problem is described and fully analysed.

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Z. E in Microsoft excel stands for __________

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AA. A __________ language is the only language the computer actually understands.

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AB. one of these is an example of integrated application suit

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AC. Problem – Oriented languages, programmers specify what to be accomplished without the development of procedures, which is left to the language.

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AD. Every Electronic spreadsheet software uses a rectangular grid of cells called a _________

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AE. Computer languages can be translated by one of the following

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AF. Which of these is not an example of a publishing software

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AG. __________ language was developed to use symbolic names or mnemonics to alleviate some of the difficulties in using Machine language.

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AH. A modeling software simply uses the power and _________ of a computer machine to perform some mathematical calculations or simulate some real life situations.

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AI. Expert systems are programmed to imitate human thought by comparing facts

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AJ. The application used for easier calculation is _________ Microsoft

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AK. _________ packages are used for creating published materials such as Newsletters, Brochures and Flyers.

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AL. An ___________ simply translates the source program to machine language as the program is being executed.

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AM. The control panel option can be located under which button

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AN. Microsoft excel has what type of file extension?

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AO. The third phase of computer programming is also called the starting point of __________

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AP. A cell address is also called a cell _____________

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AQ. _______ is said to be recognized for converting analog signals received by a computer into digital forms via the telephone line connection.

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AR. _________ involves changing the appearance of a document.

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AS. A _______translates the original program, called the Source Program into what is called the Object Program

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AT. _______ screen allows you to see how your document will appear on paper before printing it.

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AU. One of these is an example of a high level language except ___________

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AV. _________ is called the worhorse of a computer's CPU

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AW. A projector is also an example of output device

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AX. The file extension for Bitmap or Graphic Image is ________

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AY. Selecting ___________ in word simply opens a blank screen for you to create a new document.

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AZ. Information created by using an application is stored in _________

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BA. Every drive has what is called a Root __________

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BB. A compiler translates the original program, called the Source Program into what is called the ___________

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BC. Word Processing software are generally designed to make text preparation very easy

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BD. A rectangular point of a row and a column is called a _________

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BE. Procedure-oriented languages help programmers to solve a problem by indicating the procedures to be used by the computer.

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BF. Electronic Spreadsheet application is majorly used in business by accounting professionals to perform __________ calculations

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BG. Microsoft __________ is an application used for text preparation

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