
Category: GST807



Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.

Good luck!


1 / 50

1. In note making, flexibility involves __________

2 / 50

2. A skillful learner can be characterized with all the following except _______

3 / 50

Electronic learning is in what generation of distance education?______

4 / 50

E-learners must be responsible for reading, analyzing their assignments and asking questions when they arise.  True or False? _____

5 / 50

A naturalistic approach of collecting data is accomplished through the use of aptitude test. True or False? _______

6 / 50

Self-assessment becomes most effective when  students have full knowledge of the learning  goals.  True or False? ­­­­______

7 / 50

7. The following are relevant towards monitoring your progress as a learner except _________

8 / 50

8. Students gain knowledge by reading, asking questions and _____

9 / 50

9. If you allow your time to dribble away on patchy half-focused activity, it means _____________

10 / 50

Effective communication through writing should be based on ability to present thoughts, ideas and experience coherently.  True or False? ______ 

11 / 50

11. One of the productive way to invest your time is to ____________

12 / 50

The interaction  that occurs  among learners in a web-based instruction is ______

13 / 50

13. The best way to invest time in one's self is by investing _____

14 / 50

A learner  that studies and remembers better with pictures, graphics and diagrams  is a _______ learner

15 / 50

An appropriate way for Murtala to recall what had been read is for him to tell someone or divulge what had been read from life experiences.  True or False? ______

16 / 50

________defines open and distance learning  as a system of teaching and learning characterized  by separation of teacher and learner in time and / or space

17 / 50

17. From the options, pick two of the four key processes of Kolb's reflective learning cycle _______

18 / 50

18. Which of the following is not a component in David Kolb's experiential learning cycle?

19 / 50

The act of putting down important points by Chinwe while listening to enable her remember and clarify doubts is _______

20 / 50

20. Study time can be considered to be of _______ when you are tired, and experience distractions around.

21 / 50

 Dr. Opateye operates ______ which contains learning resources and technology, means of teaching modes of teaching and connection to global context 

22 / 50

22. Group discussions enable you to ________ your ideas

23 / 50

23. When you plan for your studies, it will encourage _______

24 / 50

Content must relate to the key concepts and provoke peers to think more insightfully on the concepts.  True or False? ______

25 / 50

Hauwa always provide emotional support to her speaker.  Which type of listening is this? ______

26 / 50

26. An independent learner is generally a __________ learner

27 / 50

What Directorate was established in the National Open University of Nigeria to identify and meet the needs of open and distance learning capacity building in the West African sub region?______

28 / 50

28. Which of the following key skills may not be required towards investing in personal development?

29 / 50

______ refers to educational content that can be reused, remixed and redistribute without copyright law

30 / 50

______ skill is the ability to apply frequent and substantial consideration and assessment of one’s  learning  process and products 

31 / 50

______ is a system of printing in which the letters of the alphabets and numbers are printed with fingers by the people who are blind.

32 / 50

32. The Good Study Guide is designed to be used in these various ways as listed in the options with the exception of one. Pick the odd option.

33 / 50

33. _________ is synonymous to being a reflective learner

34 / 50

Vocalization depicts pronouncing a word ahead of it is being read.  True or False? _______ 

35 / 50

The aspect of research report that deals with design, population and instrumentation is collectively called ______

36 / 50

The current trend in open universities is the movement towards ______ 

37 / 50

37. Computer literacy is a skill that all students should acquire and ____ to succeed in their studies

38 / 50

Assessment of ______ must be planned and implemented as an integral part of the curriculum and programme instruction.

39 / 50

When listening, ______ consists of judging  or deciding the value of the information received.

40 / 50

 Formative assessment leads to judgement of student’s achievement while learning is going on. True or False? ­______

41 / 50

 What method would Prof. Stone use to give graphic representation of the ideas and concepts when delivering his lecture? _______

42 / 50

42. The process of learning through reflection on experience according to David Kolb�??s experiential learning cycle involves __________

43 / 50

43. In the past, education was associated with childhood but now, we are all expected to _________

44 / 50

The officially recognized attempt at distance education was propounded by ______

45 / 50

Fluency comes with the development of phonemic awareness, phonic skills and ______

46 / 50

46. When you face an immediate study challenge you are expected to __________

47 / 50

Paragraphs are expected to be characterized by unity, incoherence and must be developed to give desired information.  True or False? ______

48 / 50

Learning by deducing involves scientific experiment or perform a piece of music.  True or False? ______ 

49 / 50

What kind of speaking  will the NOUN FM radio display in order to give a lecture  in physics? ___________

50 / 50

50. You can do all of these in word processing except __________

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