Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
After doing a summary of a ________, it becomes shorter
2 / 50
In a formal letter, the signature comes before the __________of the sender
3 / 50
One difficulty about English pronunciation is that there is no perfect correspondence between _________and sounds
4 / 50
The words "pocket", "pretend" and "docket" all have ____
5 / 50
Homophones are ___________that have the same pronunciation but differ a little in spelling
6 / 50
Beginning a paragraph with the topic sentence helps the _________to immediately know what the paragraph is about
7 / 50
The letter written to the INEC chairman asking for clarification on voting procedure is a ----------
8 / 50
8. Which street d'you live in? is an example of _____ statement.
9 / 50
Connection between the sentences is one of the elements that go into the _________of a good paragraph
10 / 50
10. Identify the voice of the underlined verb in the sentence as active or passive. It is preferred to basketball. The verb is ______
11 / 50
11. The present tense forms of the verb 'do' are ________
12 / 50
12. a' and 'an' are called ______ articles
13 / 50
13. One of the following is the correct stress pattern for the word 'commerce'
14 / 50
14. The ________ is used to describe past events, and emphasise their effect on the speaker's present situation.
15 / 50
The document containing the bio data of the sender of an application letter is called _________
16 / 50
16. Indicate the sentence type, simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex. Naturally, Joy does not enjoy chopping firewood, killing mosquitoes, and cooking over an open fire. This is a __________ sentence
17 / 50
17. "Life is great!" is an example of _______ sentence
18 / 50
Sounds in the English language can broadly be divided into _____________and consonants
19 / 50
19. Identify the voice of the underlined verb in the sentence as active or passive. It is preferred to basketball. The verb is _____
20 / 50
20. Fill in the blanks with have or has: Now, you _______ learnt the secret of happiness.
21 / 50
In Nigeria languages tone that brings about a change in the meaning while in English a change in meaning is as a result of _________
22 / 50
22. Beginning a paragraph with a topic sentence helps both the ________ and the reader.
23 / 50
The English language has ______ consonant sounds
24 / 50
24. The type of error contained in this sentence 'I was awakened by loud cry' is called ________
25 / 50
The English vowels and consonants are very important to ______ spoken English
26 / 50
26. A defining relative clause is so called because they define or specify the _______ which they qualify.
27 / 50
Dictionaries give the ______________ meanings of words
28 / 50
28. A long sentence is usually divided into what may be called breath groups, or_________ groups.
29 / 50
The Memorandum is used for __________communication in an organization
30 / 50
30. Identify the voice of the underlined verb in the sentence as active or passive. Today, football is been played by both men and women. The verb is _______
31 / 50
31. Placing a topic sentence at the end of a paragraph _________
32 / 50
_________________ qualifies nouns
33 / 50
33. Indicate the sentence type, simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex. Kara loves to go to the beach. This is a ________ sentence
34 / 50
Apart from _____stress there is also sentence stress
35 / 50
In speech, there is always the movement of the ____of the speaker's voice from high to low or from low to high
36 / 50
_____________ brings a change in meaning in English utterances
37 / 50
The primary stress is on the _____ syllable in the word "locomotion".
38 / 50
38. Conferences and seminars help to bring ______ in a particular subject together to present their experiences and views.
39 / 50
Wrongly ____a word can lead to wrong meaning being expressed
40 / 50
The word "pretend" can be an adjective as well as a _____________
41 / 50
Repetition of_________, ideas and wishes is not necessary in doing a summary
42 / 50
The main _________between the formal and informal letter is in the use of language
43 / 50
Deletion is an avoidable thing you must do when ______a passage
44 / 50
In English unlike in Nigerian languages there is not perfect ________ between spelling and sound
45 / 50
In a word, the part that has the stress is pronounced with _____force
46 / 50
46. _______is a form of direct statement whereby the subject of a sentence takes an object without any inversion.
47 / 50
__________ are used to represent sounds in the dictionary
48 / 50
Being able to _________ yourself well in an interview gives you greater chances of getting the job
49 / 50
49. The topic sentence is most frequently found at the _______ of the paragraph.
50 / 50
50. Identify the infinitive phrase in the sentence. You may need to do some research. The infinitive phrase is _____
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