
Category: GST102



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A. The word 'important' carries stress on its ________ syllable

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A word that replaces another with the same meaning is called a ___________

3 / 70

C. Fill in the blank with do or does: _____ you know how to make a cup of tea?

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In a word, the part that has the stress is pronounced with _____force

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The Memorandum is used for __________communication in an organization

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F. No sentence can be correct in English without proper sequence of _______

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In Nigeria languages tone that brings about a change in the meaning while in English a change in meaning is as a result of _________

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H. A long sentence is usually divided into what may be called breath groups, or_________ groups.

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I. Identify the voice of the underlined verb in the sentence as active or passive. Today, football is been played by both men and women. The verb is _______

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J. Identify the infinitive phrase in the sentence. You may need to do some research. The infinitive phrase is _____

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Apart from _____stress there is also sentence stress

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L. The English word 'Afterwards' is stressed on the _________ syllable

13 / 70

Summarization involves condensing and ____ a large piece of writing

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Without a proper pronunciation of words, your audience may miss out the ______________ you are trying to express 

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O. Identify the infinitive phrase in the sentence. Think about what you can do to know more about automobiles. The infinitive phrase is ______

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P. The ________situation of a country determines the way a speech is presented.

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The method of development of the paragraph you choose should be the one that will most effectively put across the ________you want to make 

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R. “It is advised that prison conditions should be improved.” What kind of subject is in the sentence?

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S. The present tense forms of the verb 'do' are ________

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Well-articulated discussion is possible with one another because we have adequate _____________

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The English language has ______ consonant sounds

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In a formal letter, the signature comes before the __________of the sender

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W. Fill in the blank with do or does: How _______ we get there?

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X. She longed for a friend in whom she could confide' is an example of _____ statement.

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 The document containing the bio data of the sender of an application letter is called _________

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Z. In the sentence, 'I have been waiting for sometime now' the tense form is_________.

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AA. Which street d'you live in? is an example of _____ statement.

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AB. The type of error contained in this sentence 'I was awakened by loud cry' is called ________

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The tone of your letters should be____________  and considerate

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The ---------- of a paragraph may be a problem, statement or a Generalization

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__________ is the extra effort used in speaking or pronouncing a word 

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AF. Identify the word that does NOT have this consonant / j /.

33 / 70

AG. Which vowel is represented in the word 'whack'?

34 / 70

Beginning a paragraph with the topic sentence helps the _________to immediately know what the paragraph is about

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A formal letter must have the __________of the sender and the receiver

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After doing a summary of a ________, it becomes shorter

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A longer sentence is usually divided into ____or sense groups, these can also be called tone groups

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Dictionaries give the ______________ meanings of words

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The substitution of one _____for another can bring about a change in meaning

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AN. "Life is great!" is an example of _______ sentence

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AO. In this senetence 'The man THAT YOU SAW YESTERDAY WAS the former President of Nigeria' the capitalised group of words is called a ________

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AP. Conferences and seminars help to bring ______ in a particular subject together to present their experiences and views.

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Combining two or three _____of a passage into one will help condense the passage

44 / 70

To make your formal letter __________use the same font and the same font size

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In English language there are more sounds than there are letters in the __________

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Formal letters are --------- in their styles and phraseology

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__________ are used to represent sounds in the dictionary

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AV. Identify the voice of the underlined verb in the sentence as active or passive. It is preferred to basketball. The verb is _____

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AW. Identify the voice of the underlined verb in the sentence as active or passive. It is preferred to basketball. The verb is ______

50 / 70

AX. It has been observed that students who want to be well-focused in their writing, need to learn how to _____

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AY. Identify the voice of the underlined verb in the sentence as active or passive. The game of football will keep Nigerians glued to their television sets for a long time to come. The verb is _______

52 / 70

AZ. State if this sentence is FORMAL or INFORMAL: Which street d'you live in?

53 / 70

BA. Fill in the blanks with have or has: _______ he arrived already?

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Being able to _________ yourself well in an interview gives you greater chances of getting the job

55 / 70

When you are bringing out the differences in two items in paragraph development you are using ____________ technique 

56 / 70

BD. Identify the voice of the underlined verb in the sentence as active or passive. The art of football commentary was developed along with the sport. The verb is ____

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BE. Which of the following words does NOT have a short vowel?

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BF. In the sentence, 'She was singing happily' the tense form is __________.

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------------- entails keeping the rules, customs and conventions that are observed in our society

60 / 70

The words "pocket", "pretend" and "docket" all have ____

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The English vowels and consonants are very important to ______ spoken English

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_________________ qualifies nouns 

63 / 70

BK. In the sentence, 'The President arrives from China tomorrow', the tense form is __________.

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In speech, there is always the movement of the ____of the speaker's voice from high to low or from low to high

65 / 70

BM. Indicate the sentence type, simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex. Kara loves to go to the beach. This is a  ________ sentence

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BN. The topic sentence is most frequently found at the _______ of the paragraph.

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BO. _______is a form of direct statement whereby the subject of a sentence takes an object without any inversion.

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The main _________between the formal and informal letter is in the use of language

69 / 70

The word "pretend" can be an adjective as well as a _____________

70 / 70

In a_________, the author takes the reader logically and smoothly from one idea to another

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