
Category: CSS111



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The term referring to a hierarchy of inequality is called _________

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The organised effort of a large number of people to produce some social change is referred to as _________

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 _________ shares Sociology's interest in the impact of social structure and culture on behaviour

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Rape is one of the ___________ issues that are of great interest to the sociologists

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___________ is one that demonstrates strong bonds of loyalty within its membership and strict adherence to the established norms of the group

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____________ Study communities and small groups, but they also examine modem industrial societies and large-scale

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Ability to compel or influence others to do what they would otherwise not do is __________

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 Invention is a source of ________ change

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Power is exercised in all human relationship.

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____________ Study communities and small groups, but they also examine modem industrial societies and large-scale

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Power is a key aspect of any _________posts.

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The ability of ensuring compliance among members of a group is referred to as _______

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A great brief enthusiasm among a relatively large number of people for a particular innovation is referred to as ________

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_________dynamics involves ingroup/out-group relationship.

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Sociology as a discipline belongs to ________ sciences

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___________ refers to the relative degree of prestige and privilege that a person or social group can successfully claim from other members of the society

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The most important studies of every day social behaviour come from ___________

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A ________ usually claims to have a monopoly over the route to salvation

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________ refers to wide spread attitudes about controversial issue

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Which of the following is not identified as a situation that stimulate sociological thinking

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Our _________ identity may include thoughts and experiences we never divulge to anyone; our social identity requires public validation.

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_________ dynamic involves in-group/out-group relationship

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Another name for informal groups is ________

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A religious organisation that accepts the legitimacy of other religious but has a negative relationship to society is ________

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Invention is of _______ types

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________ refers to marriage that unites one male and two or more females more female

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A person who has power can _________ his will on others.

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The roles to which we aspire as well as the positions we currently occupy is ______

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The persistent social fact in the modern societies is _______

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_________ is recognized as any set of institutionalised belief and practices that with the ultimate meaning of life

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The term ___________ was coined by Eduard Linteman.

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Social movement resemble __________ behaviour

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The process of social learning directed toward achieving a desired position in future is called __________

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____________ refers to sexual activity outside marriage

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Although, _________groups may also have face-to-face relationship but contact between individuals in the group are very ephemeral and impersonal.

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_________ usually study non-western societies, preliterate societies, local communities, or small groups

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The process of social learning directed toward achieving a desired position in future is called __________

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_________ has been stripped of many of its former functions in modern society and it’s now competed with other institutions of authority

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Adair (1986), defined a _______ is more than just a group with a common aim

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Guatava LeBon is called the grandfather of __________ behaviour theory

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_________ refers only to the changes in behaviour and attitude having their origins in interactions with other persons

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The spread of cultural element from one society to another is _________

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A ________ refers to social eruption that is highly emotional, violent and undirected

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 The _________ interactionists stress the role of language and symbols like fashion in the social construct of identity and in the structure of relationship

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The method in sociology by which data is systematically collected from people about their behaviour, attitudes and beliefs is _________

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 __________ Freud explored the unconscious levels of the mind

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Sociology is the __________ study of the groups and societies in which people live, how social structures and cultures are created and maintained or changed, and how they affect our

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 ___________ refers to a researcher who interacts with group members for the purpose of studying them.

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The spontaneous eruption of common behavioural pattern is ________

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_________ is the capability of using physical force to achieve influence

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