Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
1. The _______and _____are attached to auditory ossicles
2 / 50
2. The distortion of the tympanic membrane can make sounds seem muffled and stimulate pain.
3 / 50
3. The ______ is a set of fluid-filled chambers medial to the middle ear.
4 / 50
4. Food served at the wrong temperature is perceived as______.
5 / 50
When the taste cells depolarize, they release _____ that diffuse to sensory neurons associated with the taste cells.
6 / 50
The _____________s muscle is attached to the stapes and is innervated by the facial nerve (VII).
7 / 50
7. The auricle collects sound waves and directs them into the external_____________.
8 / 50
8. The tensor tympani and stapedius muscles are attached to ______ ossicles.
9 / 50
The inner ear consists of interconnecting, fluid-filled tunnels and chambers within the temporal bone called the______
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10. ____ is distortion of perception of an external stimulus
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11. Light enters the eye through the _______
12 / 50
12. The iris contains ______ groups of smooth muscles
13 / 50
13. Static balance is associated with the utricle and the _____ of the vestibule.
14 / 50
14. Pitch is measured in ______________
15 / 50
15. Receptors on the hairs detect ______
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The “hairs” of the hair cells consist of numerous microvilli, called stereocilia, and one cilium, called a______.
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17. The odorants must first be dissolved in fluid in order to reach the olfactory receptors.
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18. A condition in which there is enhanced smell sensitivity is called_____
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_____ attach the ciliary ring and processes to the lens of the eye, and contraction of the ciliary muscles can change the shape of the lens.
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Swallowing, yawning, chewing, and holding the nose and mouth shut while gently trying to force air out of the lungs are methods used to open the______
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The cochlear nerve joins the vestibular nerve to become the_____, which traverses the internal acoustic meatus and enters the cranial cavity.
22 / 50
The organs of hearing and balance are divided into three parts: the external, middle, and _______ear.
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23. Distortion of the ______ membrane can make sounds seem muffled and stimulate pain
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24. ___million olfactory neurons are present within the olfactory epithelium.
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Each taste cell has several taste hairs extending from its apex into a tiny opening in the epithelium called the______
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The stereocilia and kinocilium are embedded in the otolithic membrane, which is a gelatinous mass weighted with crystals of calcium carbonate and protein called___
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27. The basilar membrane is not uniform throughout its length.
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28. The brain interprets the higher _____ of action potentials as a louder sound.
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29. ______ is distortion in odour perception (includes parosmia and phantosmia)
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Stimulation of the inner hair cells by the nervous system stimulates the contraction of ______________ within the hair cells causing them to shorten.
31 / 50
31. The external and middle ears are involved in ______only
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32. The middle ear contains three auditory ossicles: the malleus, incus, and_____________.
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The auditory tube opens into the _____________ and enables air pressure to be equalised between the outside air and the middle ear cavity.
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34. The _____ contains the sensory organs for hearing and balance
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35. Deflection of the _____ toward the kinocilium results in depolarization of the hair cell.
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36. The process of choosing certain types of food in preference to others is called_______
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37. The ______ interprets the higher frequency of action potentials as a louder sound.
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The ______ consists of interconnecting, fluid-filled tunnels and chambers within the temporal bone called the bony labyrinth.
39 / 50
39. The organs of hearing and balance are divided into ______ parts.
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The ______ ear is the part extending from the outside of the head to the tympanic membrane, or eardrum.
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41. Sounds louder than _____________ db are painful to the ear
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42. Deflection of the hairs toward the kinocilium results in depolarization of the____
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Each of the ______ taste buds on a person’s tongue consists of three major types of specialised epithelial cells
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The _____ stimulate action potentials in the sensory neurons which are conducted to the brain where the sense of taste is perceived.
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45. The average person can distinguish among approximately _____ different smells
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The _____opens into the pharynx and enables air pressure to be equalised between the outside air and the middle ear cavity.
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The oval window is approximately ____________ times smaller than the tympanic membrane.
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48. The sensory cells of each taste bud consist of about 50______.
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49. The cells of the taste buds each have a normal life span of about ______days.
50 / 50
50. The _____________ is attached to the medial surface of the tympanic membrane.
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