Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
1. Objective data is observed or measured by the_____
2 / 50
A ______includes a detailed health history and physical examination of one body system or many body systems
3 / 50
The purpose of _______ is to obtain information about the client‟s health in his or her own words and based on the client‟s own perceptions.
4 / 50
4. The focus of _______ is attainment, sustenance, and recovery of health.
5 / 50
5. The bell of the _______ is more sensitive to low-pitched sounds
6 / 50
6. ______ is the examination of the body through the use of touch.
7 / 50
7. Subjective data is gathered during________
8 / 50
The process used for the assessment of hyperresonance over inflated lung tissue in a patient with emphysema is_______
9 / 50
9. Palpation is the examination of the body through the use of________.
10 / 50
An accurate and thorough health assessment reflects the ______ and skills of a professional nurse.
11 / 50
11. Physical assessment of the ear consists of ______ parts
12 / 50
12. Creating a climate of trust and respect is critical to establishing a _______relationship.
13 / 50
Listening to sounds produced by the body to assess normal conditions and deviations from normal is done through___
14 / 50
14. Auscultation is usually performed with a______
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Types of assessment that are used to obtain information about a client are comprehensive, focused, and_______
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When viewed laterally, the angle between the skin and the nail base should be approximately______ degrees.
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17. The dorsa (back) of the hands and fingers can be used to assess____
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18. The focus of _______ care is attainment, sustenance, and recovery of health.
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19. Documentation must be accurate, confidential, appropriate, complete, and_______
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20. The bell of the stethoscope is used for ______sounds
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Using eleven functional health patterns, the processes of ingestion, digestion, absorption, and metabolism are assessed in____
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22. __ helps to identify the strengths of the clients in promoting health.
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23. _____is the first step of the nursing process
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24. _____ data can be seen, felt, heard, or measured by the professional nurse.
25 / 50
Auscultation is particularly useful in evaluating sounds from the heart, lungs, abdomen and______
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26. _______is usually performed with a stethoscope.
27 / 50
A systematic method of collecting data about a client for the purpose of determining the client‟s current and ongoing health status, predicting risks to health and identifying healthpromoting activities is referred to as_____
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28. Pain is a complex multidimensional_____
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The process used for the assessment of hyperresonance over inflated lung tissue in a patient with emphysema is______
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_______ is a systematic method of collecting data about a client for the purpose of determining the client‟s current and ongoing health status, predicting risks to health and identifying health-promoting activities.
31 / 50
Data that can be observed by one person and verified by another person observing the same patient are known as____
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32. Hair color is determined by the amount of____
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33. An effective _______is a key factor in interview process
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The purpose of the nursing assessment is to enable you to make a clinical judgment or diagnosis about a client‟s health status.
35 / 50
35. ICS stands for_______
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In physical assessment of the integumentary system, the techniques of inspection and______ will be used
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37. _____ means that documentation is limited to facts or factual accounts of observations
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38. Effective communication is a key factor in ______process
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39. Knowledge of the _______ and _________ sciences is a strong foundation for you.
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40. _______ is observed or measured by the professional nurse.
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41. Subjective data is information that the client experiences and communicates to the________.
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42. The ______ is all the health information about a client
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______ is an essential nursing function which provides foundation for quality nursing care and intervention.
44 / 50
Physical assessment of the ear consists of auditory screening, inspection and palpation of the external ear and______
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45. The advantage of an abbreviated assessment is that____
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46. An accurate and thorough _______ reflects the knowledge and skills of a professional nurse.
47 / 50
The process of obtaining a health history and performing a physical examination is an intimate experience for both you and the________.
48 / 50
48. ______ is a complex multidimensional experience.
49 / 50
49. The________ provides cues regarding the client‟s health and guides further data collection.
50 / 50
50. The first step of the nursing process is known as______
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