Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
The ruling Pharaoh of Musa-s time was said to have spent over years
2 / 50
Ibrahim’s father was ----- by profession
3 / 50
Prophet ---------- is not among the listed ‘Ulul Azm Prophets
4 / 50
The ladies' father compensated Musa by giving him
5 / 50
The Ark of Prophet Nuh landed on mount
6 / 50
The name of the reigning king of Prophet Ibrahim-s period was
7 / 50
The scripture given to Prophet Isa by Allah was known as
8 / 50
Prophet Ibrahim’s father was -------
9 / 50
Only people believed in Prophethood of Nuh before the catastrophic flood of his time
10 / 50
Prophet Lut was Prophet Ibrahim's
11 / 50
According to Islam appointment of a Prophet is an exclusive responsibility of --------
12 / 50
All the following are traits of Prophethood except ------
13 / 50
The first revelation that came to Prophet Muhammad began with
14 / 50
Prophet Ibrahim was a ------ -- by profession
15 / 50
The responsibilities of the Prophets of God did not include -------
16 / 50
Nabiyy means Prophet while Rasuul means
17 / 50
At the defeat of the Pharaoh's magicians, they all to God
18 / 50
According to a hadith of the Prophet the number of messengers of Allah is ------ --
19 / 50
Islam does not recognise a Prophet as someone who -- --------
20 / 50
The word ‘prophet’ takes its root from ------- language
21 / 50
21. Ibrahim had ----- siblings
22 / 50
Prophet Nuh was reported to have spent years among his people
23 / 50
Having realised their mistakes after eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and his wife asked Allah for
24 / 50
Adam was made superior over the Angels because he had more than them
25 / 50
Names of ------- Prophets of Allah were mentioned together in a single chapter of the Qur’an
26 / 50
Musa was suckled in Pharaoh-s palace by
27 / 50
Which of these is not accepted as a feature of miracle performed by any Prophet of God?
28 / 50
What makes Qur’an a unique miracle is that -------- --
29 / 50
Prophet ------- was miraculously saved from fire into which he was thrown by the idolaters
30 / 50
All the following are Ulul-‘Azmi Prophets except --------
31 / 50
Prophet Ibrahim was a by profession
32 / 50
A chapter of the Qur’an was named after Prophet -- ----
33 / 50
The Arabs, the Abyssinians, and the Romans are all descendants of Prophet Nuh through Sam, Ham and --------respectively
34 / 50
Muhammad used to visit the cave of before his prophethood
35 / 50
The popular figure taken as the number of the Prophets of God is ------
36 / 50
Ibrahim had siblings
37 / 50
The Angel of Allah who brought the news of the coming of Isa to his mother was
38 / 50
What Adam brought from the paradise can today be found at ------
39 / 50
Qur'an mentions only Prophets of Allah
40 / 50
When Isa and his followers became hungry and tired in the wilderness, they asked him to pray to Allah for a table of
41 / 50
Another name for Shaytan is
42 / 50
Khadijah visited her cousin called to narrate the Prophet-s experience
43 / 50
The name of Adam's wife was
44 / 50
Prophet Nuh's son who perished along with the unbelievers was called
45 / 50
Prophet Musa's mission was basically to free the from Egyptians' bondage
46 / 50
The Arabs, the Abyssinians, and the Romans are all descendants of Prophet Nuh through Sam, Ham and
47 / 50
Prophet Musa assisted two sisters to for their flocks
48 / 50
The flood which destroyed the recalcitrant people of Prophet Nuh is called ------- -
49 / 50
The name of Prophet Musa-s mother was
50 / 50
Prophet Lut was Prophet Ibrahim’s ------
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