Kindly note that you will be presented with 50 questions randomized from the NOUN question bank. Make sure to take the quiz multiple times so you can get familiar with the questions and answers, as new questions are randomized in each attempt.
Good luck!
1 / 50
In __method, 5-30 seed trees/ha are left on site to regenerate the forest.
2 / 50
The art of tending crops and rearing animals is regarded as
3 / 50
What part of wildlife is prohibited internationally? ________
4 / 50
The plant species have only one seed-leaf or cotyledon are known as plants
5 / 50
The aim of is to increase crop yields through emphasis on the forest and managing grazing .
6 / 50
Fish waste product used for organic farming is
7 / 50
Farm animals feeding system are classified into three groups namely _Herbivores, Carnivores and
8 / 50
________ refers to all forms of wild animals and their environment
9 / 50
Modern forestry is aimed at assisting forests to provide and for wildlife habitat
10 / 50
The five main concentration areas are the __, the Kano-Katsina complex, northern, central and eastern Borno State, the Mambila plateau and the Jos plateau.
11 / 50
_defined as the conversion of natural forests or plantations to non- forest and non-vegetated lands.
12 / 50
_the act of renewing tree cover by establishing young trees naturally or artificially, after removing the previous stand/forest.
13 / 50
This is not a type of leaf cutting
14 / 50
involves the production (tree planting and maintenance), distribution and consumption of forest products and services.
15 / 50
_______ is a vegetative plant part which is severed from the parent plant in order to regenerate the parent plant , thereby forming a new plant
16 / 50
Grafting allows gardeners to produce plants except
17 / 50
Wet soil can be prepared for planting by ___________
18 / 50
Aquaculture methods include
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are primary products of wood which serve as input raw materials for other wood products
20 / 50
_is done between March and April, mainly to reduce the number of trees, shrubs and forbs within a reserve or a park.
21 / 50
The process of protecting an endangered species of plant or animal by removing part of the population from a threatened habitat and placing it in a new location, which may be a wild area or within the care of humans is known as _________
22 / 50
When residual stand damage is minimized by directional felling of trees this inform selection system.
23 / 50
Forest/home gardens are an ancient gardening practice in
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obtained from whole or parts of non-timber sized trees
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is aimed at controlling the amount and distribution of available growing space
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is due to CO2 and NO2 emissions into the atmosphere
27 / 50
_diseases are transmitted from classes of animals to Man
28 / 50
The characteristics are presence of internal jaws , paired appendages (pectoral, pelvic fins) supported by an internal skeleton which provide more efficient locomotion this
29 / 50
The different types of grazing systems are continuous grazing; rotational grazing; /soiling; strip grazing and deferred grazing
30 / 50
The removal of the lower branches of the young trees to clear knot-free wood which can subsequently grow over the branch stubs is known as
31 / 50
is a complex material of biological origin derived from the forest
32 / 50
Capture fisheries involves fishing in the
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The art and science of controlling the establishment, growth, composition, health and quality of forests to meet diverse needs and values of land-owners and society is known as
34 / 50
Grooming of farm animals by brushing is to eliminate
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A method of plant propagation involving the fusion of distinctly different sex cells to produce a plant is known as
36 / 50
The methods of sown seed in three different ways, except
37 / 50
Wildlife _________ practice involves strategies for the protection and rational utilization of both the wild animals and their habitats.
38 / 50
Disadvantage of can prolong slash decomposition, expose soil to erosion, impact visual appeal of a landscape and remove essential wildlife habitat.
39 / 50
The main drawback of forest gardening is that planting out and establishment usually requires large numbers of __and substantial work.
40 / 50
The system whereby agroforestry practice whereby crop husbandry is combined with forest management is known as
41 / 50
__practice involves strategies for the protection and rational utilization of both the wild animals and their habitats.
42 / 50
__________ is not a reason for budding and grafting
43 / 50
he practice of raising grazing livestock such as cattle and sheep for meat or wool.
44 / 50
All these tools can be used for secondary tillage except
45 / 50
What influence the type, size and number of sheep found in different parts of the country?
46 / 50
Modern forestry is aimed at assisting forests to regulate natural water, including and water erosion
47 / 50
Vital input in today’s agricultural and horticultural production systems is _______
48 / 50
The part of fish used for the clarification of wine and beer is
49 / 50
Hynocarpus spp is a NTFPs and its oil used in
50 / 50
_______refers to animals not tamed, plants not cultivated in a garden, and man, uncivilized, unruly, uncontrolled, violent and mad.
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